still the same shitty, selfish, callous, evil person she always was. Not only that, but you find out she’s a manipulator and chronic liar, and always has been. You think to yourself, JFC, WHY did I ever think she’d get better now that she’s old. She’s the same shitty evil person she always was, and she is, and will always be. Fucking gaslighting and lying about everything, and gossiping and bad-mouthing me to the rest of my relatives. Puts the blame of everything on ME when it is SHE that either can’t fucking remember she moved my stuff or she absolutely knows and is just lying about it. Just like how she lies about 1,000 other things.
Just bc someone gets old doesn’t mean they become a better person. She isn’t. She had NO business having ANY kids, let alone 4. 3 out of 4 of us had depression and were suicidal. The other 2 are better but the fact is, if THREE out of FOUR of your kids winds up FUCKED UP, WHO do you think is the problem? Fucking MOTHER. And FATHER. He was shitty as well but he was only home 1x/week so at least he wasn’t around 85% of the time.
I can’t fucking take it here. I can’t take her fucking bullshit and nonsense. Her constant lying. Her constant screaming at me. Her constant snooping on me. Her constant gaslighting. She’s fucking INSANE.
OH- she is LYING to my relatives about stuff so she can shift the blame off of herself. She fucking moved my boxes out of the upstairs room and refuses to admit to it. So then tells all my relatives that I’m going insane bc I never put any boxes up there. Like WTF. I KNOW I put the boxes in the room before I had left for my flight and told her very specifically to NOT move those boxes. So OFC she did. And now is lying that she did it.
SHe also lies and tells them all sorts of other things about me so my relatives all think I’m insane and that I can’t remember anything when SHE is fucking lying to them about everything that makes her look guilty. LIke fucking stop lying and OWN up to what you’ve done. But constant lying and gaslighting. The SAME fucking shit she used to do to Father she’s doing to me. And bad mouthing me to all my relatives behind my back. Fucking infantile behavior for a 70+ yo.
Anyhow, now I’m stuck here. All my stuff got moved here 9mo ago when she convinced me to move back here, and I had NO idea the condition of the place (super gross, dirty, etc). I’ve moved down to the “studio” since coming back here bc I refuse to live upstairs with her in that hoarder house. But she keeps fucking coming down here. She won’t fucking listen to me about NOT coming down here whenever the fuck she likes.
Bc Mother and shitty selfish sister made me give up my “low-income” housing a while back, so now I am stuck. I can’t get back on one bc it takes AGES to get back on, and the place I was in was unique in that it wasn’t an old shitty, dilapidated place which is common for “low-income” units.
Anyway, it’s incredibly difficult to get low income housing, and paying regular rent anywhere in the US is impossible now that COVID has jacked the price of everything up.
So I’m fucking stuck here. I am so FUCKING MAD.
Goddamnit, WHY is it that I have to be so unlucky to have such shitty parents and shitty siblings? Literally like Cinderella (but minus the Prince Charming to rescue me). Literally almost everyone else I’ve ever known has normal parents. Some of them may have 1 parent but that 1 was a good parent. Not 2 shitty parents.
I spent my WHOLE LIFE getting away from my shitty family. I left as soon as I could. But since I got hit by the car, now I cannot do things I used to, and I cannot make money like I used to, and so I’ve been stuck and suffering ever since.
As if my abusive childhood wasn’t bad enough, the universe thinks it’s funny to “throw me under the bus” (or car in my case)- like fucking LITERALLY.
Fuck this shitty universe. And fuck my shitty family. The whole lot of them are shitty.
Goddamn, I am SO pissed I was manipulated to leave my low-income unit during COVID. FML. Just FML.
That’s literally ALL I’ve ever wanted. But literally almost everyone in my family is fucking shitty.
Mother- Verbally and physically abusive. Selfish. Liar, manipulator, gaslighter. Mentally insane. Sociopath.
Father- Verbally abusive. Alcoholic. Now dead.
Sister1- Selfish. Sociopath.
Sister2- Evil Witch- think Cinderella’s jealous evil step-sisters. Yes, like that.
Brother- I guess he’s okay now (he was a little shit when we were growing up)
My Uncles/Aunts- also shitty.
I fucking hate that I was born into a shitty ass family. And then add extreme poverty on top of that. Think going to bed hungry and not having socks or a chair to sit on. Yeah, like that.
Do you know how HARD it is to grow up in a house full of assholes? And you couldn’t do anything about it bc you’re 5 yo?
Most people have normal parents. I grew up with a house full of assholes and monsters. So OBVIOUSLY I grow up to be fucked up. Depression is obvious going to be my life. I never had a fucking chance.
I’ve NEVER got a break in life- EVER. So FUCK YOU UNIVERSE.
Your mother tops my mother. The best thing about my mother is she is gone (natural causes).
Yeah, I “won” the fucking family lottery. Of ALL the fucking rotten luck, I HAD to have a super shitty abusive sociopath for a mother, and an abusive alcoholic for a father. and jealous evil sisters. One is a selfish sociopath, and the other is a wicked witch hell bent on making me miserable bc i wasn’t short, chubby and ugly like she was.
Yeah, that’s the shit I grew up every fucking day as a kid. I left as soon as I could, but all that mental, verbal and physical abuse screwed me up. And now with the car accident, I can’t be independent like I used to be and ex-communicated myself away from my shitty family.
Anyhow, I got roped in to moving back with Mother and OMFG it’s a fucking NIGHTMARE. She’s fucking evil.