Part of the reason why SO many ppl have depression/low wages/shit lives is bc there’s just too many damn ppl in this world!! I remember growing up and when it hit 5B ppl, we were like, OMG it’s so overcrowded, panic panic panic. And now fast-forward to 2023 and ppl are making MORE babies than ever WTF.
8B ppl now. All fighting for the same resources. All fighting for the same jobs. All competing for the same shit wages.
8B ppl means overcrowding. Means TONS of pollutions. Means cities are chock full of ppl, everyone on top of each other, spaces are getting smaller and smaller, less and less privacy, more and more neighbors on all sides, above, below, to the left, to the right.
Think about it- if there were LESS humans on Earth
1- each of our lives would mean MORE
2- we would have more space and not be cramped with too many neighbors that are way to close to us
3- a cleaner, less polluted Earth
4- more resources for the “few” that are left (half of 8B is 4B. Imagine if population went back to 4B?)
5- endless wars for resources
More humans on Earth is BAD all around people!! I don’t see how some ppl don’t get it. Like you have some people spawning out like 19 kids, 22 kids, etc.
I advocate for a license to have children. We have licenses to drive, we should have licenses and limits on children. Say everyone is “allowed” 2. If you want more, you have to pay extra. That way seems pretty fair. It allows everyone freedom to have 2. If you are too poor to have >2 children, then you shouldn’t be allowed to. Having a child grow up in poverty bc you want to pop out children bc you want someone to take care of YOU during old age is just plain selfish.
Also, my mother wouldn’t have been allowed to have me, her 4th, unless she had the resources to have me, which she didn’t. And I wouldn’t have been born. Solves my problem of having been born into child abuse and having lifelong depression and mental issues.
Also, if we required licenses to have children, then people who have NO business being parents wouldn’t be allowed to screw up future lives. Like there are plenty of ppl, in the USA, who have multiple children taken away by CPS, and then they are allowed to have even MORE babies!!
Same goes for pets. Some ppl have like 5 fucking pets in a cramped 2 br apt. Like WTF. If you allow ppl to have as many pets or as many children as they want, then you WILL get idiots that pop out 22 kids and have 8 dogs and 9 cats.
Oh, and ppl in prison / ppl with violent or dangerous criminal records, should also not be allowed to spawn. And no that doesn’t mean stupid shit like weed possession but like murder, rape, incest, etc. Been watching murder shows the last few nights and it’s crazy how the shittiest poorest fucked up parents most unqualified to have kids have the most kids. Ok, maybe have leeway for ONE child but really, does anyone really NEED to have more than 2 kids in 2023? I mean ppl who have 4, 5, 6, 22, etc.
Yeah yeah I know IRL that won’t happen bc of “freedom of religion” blah blah blah. But seriously. The world would be a MUCH better place without so many damn humans in it.
I’m an only child, so you could say I was already part of the population control experiment…. it was a really big worry in the 70s when my parents got married…. and in fact if it weren’t for birth control…. I don’t think I’d be an only child.
Which is the absurdity, to me. We’ve got all the environmental motivators set up to make people not want kids, disease, housing shortage, food costs going up up up. But do we give them birth control? naaaah. Why not? fricken religious fundamentalists who believe every sperm is sacred.
here’s another f-ed up motivation factor; if you have children the government will give you healthcare and more food. If you don’t, you’re undeserving. So that’s bass ackwards too. We should be feeding and caring for the childless, make life heck for the people with kids, see how quick things turn around.
IDK a single thing though. I’m not in authority to have a say in such things.
There’s not actually a shortage of food though. A brilliant scientist in the 80s worked out crop yeilds such that the whole world can eat, though not like Americans so that’s still a problem.
but the environmental destruction, we can’t afford that. My college freshman biology teacher told me that, predicted the pandemic 8 years before it happened. These sorts of things happen, nature tries to correct imbalances.
I don’t know about killing people off though. How would you pick? If it was up to me, it would be by who is taking most. It’s not you and I, we probably don’t take much. Who’s taking a lot is the people building 50,000 square foot mansions, buying a second yacht, flying around in a private jet. Those are luxuries that cost the planet heavily. I’d say either make ’em poor, or do away with them, give them the choice.
oh i know exactly what is going on and i’ll tell you- the rich want indentured servants. how do you keep ppl beholden to you- how to pay them the least while extracting the most work and with the least resistance?
children. that’s how you keep a population poor and under your control. when you have children, you don’t have the option to complain and demand more money for work- if you get laid off, there’s dire consequences, especially if you don’t have a spouse working. so you wind up working for a shitty boss with shit pay bc you can’t just say fuck it and quit. your child needs diapers, food, etc.
look at 3rd world countries- China, India, etc- they KNOW population control is the KEY to economic success and lifting a nation out of poverty and increasing standards of living. Both countries have drastically cut population- though China obviously did a stupid thing by the one-child policy- they needed to have adopted a two-children policy for it to work- but they wanted results too quickly.
anyhow, less population = greater standard of living for everyone in the country. who are the ppl having all the children in ALL countries? it’s the poor. and it’s the poor that needs to NOT have all those children. it’s pure economics. have 1 kid- costs tons of money and resources to take care of it. have 2. double the cost. have 4 kids and you are always broke.
in all countries, the educated and middle class and upper class are not having many children- maybe 1-2. bc they KNOW it’s stupid to have children when you can’t afford it. or maybe you can afford middle class but once you HAVE a kid- then you become less well off and now have to penny pinch, etc.
Back to the USA- the reason why red states deny access to contraception and abortion and spread all this religious mumbo jumbo about the sanctity of life and YET do NOT provide social assistance to HELP raise the children is all done on purpose- this is how the robber barons keep us in control.
as stated above, if you have children, you are too beholden and too trapped to complain, demand higher wages, better work conditions, you can’t quit, you’re too vulnerable.
do you think a single mother can afford to take multiple days off work to go to the streets and protest? nah, she gets laid off and what will they eat?
it’s all done on purpose my friend. if you see things that don’t make sense, you always have to follow the money. once you follow the money, everything then makes sense.
everything is done with a reason. usually a nefarious one. everyone in the US thinks the “system” is broken- no, it is working perfectly the way it was designed to- to keep the poor poorer and the rich richer. to extract the maximum profits for the wealthy and powerful and keep the masses in check.
I believe it it all started when kings realised they could use existentialism and philosophy to gaslight people into their control. Hijacking and manipulating old lore and spirituality they came up with abrahamic faith, a stripped down form of fake spirituality specificallly designed to control.
Coercing people to overpopulate was their means to make the individual helpless and irrelevant over time while creating a disposable workforce. This slavery continues today in the form of working for money. Money only really applies to the sub-elite, it’s the game they make us play for their sociopathic kicks and nothing more, as has ever been for 10 000 years. The reason sociopaths are favoured to the top is due to the simple fact that we never created a civilization…ever. We only repackaged animalistic survival and despite any and all technological advance, all of it is rendered irrelevant in our animal game. As always, the stongest, most cunning and those free of moral direction and sentient inclination will always win.
Religious narrative against abortion with simultaneous disregard for newborn life is about as blatant as it gets in terms of a system designed to exploit the people and make both profit and fun out of peoples suffering.
How they get people to give in to these ideals is done of course through the school system. School by way of it’s utterly – irrelevant to life – and high stress teachings along the psychological disability inducing environment…it is the foremost tool used to foster a hate for learning and critical thinking.
The result is a vast portion of people who have been shut down, shut down to a glaringly obvious fact of a planet overcrowded. The damage that school and abrahmic religion in particular can inflict on a person’s psyche is so far reaching that it allows even highly intelliigent people to not only support but defend a system (the economy) that clear as day has no regard for life on earth whatsoever, and whose operation requires the carefully tuned suffering of some 8 billion people.
Society is a stealer. It steals inventions of individuals, it steals ideas of individuals and molds them in way that benefits it. That’s what it does to findings of “religion originators” too. Those great individuals found some amazing truths about life and universe. They taught them to others out of compassion. Direct hearers were greatly influenced. What does society do? It molds those truths over time when the direct sayer is no longer alive to correct them. It molds them in such a way that they benefit society rather than individual. Teaching of originator was always meant for individual but society, the greatest narcissist, makes everything about itself. That’s why I always recommend reading directly from person. Read what Jesus said, not bible or priests. Read what Buddha said, not sangh or what prevalent perception of these guys or their “religion” is today. The two are always vastly different – what person said and what popular perception of his teachings is today.
So yeah, religion is lie but religion originator was not liar.
Quaero, I agree. The original theodicy and the authors who envisioned these concepts were humans trying their best to explain the wordl aroud them and promoting a way of life that made existence easier on everyone.
My gripe is, as you describe, with a society that twists everything.
This is why I say this society is only a restructuring of brutal cutthoat survival, originated by a people who had no technology or imagination to dream bigger than being on the desperate edge.
As technology has made it possible for humans to live without desperation…and in harmony with nature, this outdated ‘society’ is now just a system that plays on desperation, taunts our survival and in mimicking the natural order has favoured a hierachal arrangement whereby the 1% who benefit from it whatsoever have totalitarian control.
If this is one of the gateways in the Fermi Paradox, it’s a steep one indeed.
As much as there’s a lot of people on the planet, having an arbitrary chil limit doesn’t necessarily help. As human beings, and as animals, procreation is necessary to survival. People will not only find a way to have more kids anyway, but ostracizing kids after the 2nd and all that would follow. See the infamous 1 child policy in China, or if you’ve read the Ender’s Game series, albeit in a more fictional setting. The problem is more systematic honestly.
the 1 child policy doesn’t work bc males are heavily favored but 2 children policy would work as you can have a girl with 2 children.
everyone can have an opinion on ppl having 8 kids, or 22 kids. at a certain point, it is difficult to sufficiently take care of children physically, emotionally, and financially. in our society, there are those who aren’t fit to even have 1 child, let alone 22. they’re the ones neglecting their children, or abusing them, or unable or unwilling to take care of them. there’s a shocking # of parents who literally starve their children, or kill them. babies with cracked ribs and a severed spine bc the baby kept crying and the father shook the baby and slammed it down to get it to shut up and the baby wound up crippled. yeah, ppl like that shouldn’t be allowed to have more kids, but they are allowed to and often do. and dont even get into CPS bc they are so flawed and often put the children back into terrible conditions.
so YES, I can judge other ppl. there are way too many people who have way more children than they are fit to. and that’s my opinion.
and just like ppl who have licenses to drive, there would be way less problems with abuse and neglect and shitty parenting if we had to have licenses to have children.
I see what you’re saying though. I’m just saying making that into some kinda law or policy would have consequences. With the way things are, people who are fit to have kids but with cost of living increases and all that, then wouldn’t be able to due to some government mandate? Then what? It starts with good intentions but I can see it going south easily. People will be trying to hide their kids, maybe have them with a relative but rendezvous with them. It could help curtail some of it but I don’t see it being as effective as one would think.
And this is coming from someone who knows they aren’t mentally, physically, or emotionally capable of kids rn and I know it lol
The pseudo civilization we have is a pyramid scheme that requires a maximum subscriber input to output the limited wealth to those at the top.
Limiting child birth per household damages this intent, unless the competition and discrimination that comes with it can be made profitable enough to compensate but the economic benefits of racial and sexual prejudice have rarely exceeded the sheer income of 5 kids born every second. Therefore the system will scarcely adopt any child limit.
Having a child license also damages the system because damaged people are integral to the operation as well. The incarceration, law and police industries require traumatized individuals to make money from arrests, court fees, fines etc. The more abused and directionelss offspring there are, the more unempowered individuals you can put into the disposable workforce.
Only a complete disassembly of the leadership system at every single level, along with the deletion of the entire economy, and abolishment of monetary trade will alow the population to reverse it’s malignancy in a humane fashion.
Unfortunately like a victim wired to a bomb that will go off the moment they try to run, the leadership have made it so thart such a move will kill as many people as possible.