It has been a while, huh?
Just checking if I can log in outside of Poland, and yes, I can. Apparently the system has blocked access for Central and Eastern Europe visitors since the start of the war in Ukraine, because for the past 3 years, I’ve been unable to log in in Poland.
Can I please the admin take the blockade down or exclude Poland from its block list?
There’s too much to say but anyway, I’ve got some of the genetic testing results back and I 100% have a rare inborn defect that has scored 5 (the highest score) on the pathology scale. So the shivers I experience are most likely a rare form of epilepsy, the extreme fatigue is from malfunctioning mitochondria. This mutation can also cause autism, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. And there is no treatment. Great.
There is so little literature about this specific mutation but from what I collected, it can cause a shitillion of symptoms and most of them align with my physical symptoms.
So fucking fun, ain’t it? 10 years have passed since my s* attempt and guess what, I’ve had a genetic disease all the way and not a fucking depression. But I did heavily suspect it in the last 5 years.
I feel depressed and beaten up.
That’s interesting, I didn’t know wordpress was that discerning. Though of course it doesn’t have to be done at the wordpress level. I could carry on about the cyber security level of how they determine your IP adress for awhile, but I’m more interested in the DNA testing.
I may be paranoid, but I was told to never submit my DNA for testing. The reason is that where I live in the United States data brokers don’t need a warrant to collect DNA for databases and unavoidably those are tapped by FBI and other government and large business entities.
So if you mail in your sample to be tested it’s like saying “convict me for murder please”, at least if I understand how lousy the science is getting. Someone just needs a grudge against you and a small town sherriff. We have a lot of corrupt small town sherriffs.
Man, I need to get out of this place. My stove died today.
That’s horrible, I hope even if there’s no cure you can get some medication to ease the symptoms. I think I can relate a little bit to the part about malfunctioning mitochondria, because I once accidentally ingested a toxic substance that blocked mitochondria activity. It was one of the worst pains I’d ever felt. Yes, lack of energy can be downright painful, as if you’re being suffocated at a cellular level.
What I mean to say is wow, I can imagine 10 years of it, without even a proper diagnosis, could ruin your mental health. Especially since it’s not even depression and can’t be treated that way.
Does it help a little, at least, to know what it is? Sometimes even a fatal diagnosis can be a relief to some patients who have been suffering without any explanation. I hope you can maybe find some stability, finally knowing what the enemy is. Best of luck to you.