Today the higher-ups fired my boss, and for what? Going to the hospital to be there when her granddaughter was born. We all knew she was going to do this, except apparently her own boss. And no bad consequences happened to us because of her absence. Should she have let her boss know? Probably. But firing her is too much. Give the woman a damn break! P
All of us signed a petition asking them to keep her, but I think it’s going to get ignored.
I hate how cutthroat and heartless prople with money can be. All about maximizing profits to them. Can’t help but feel some empathy towards guys like Luigi. When youre staring death in the face, all the money in the world can’t make you powerful. There’s only you and your ability to survive.
Oh how I daydream of popping those bubbles of theirs! But–How strange!–I place too much value on my life to do something that would put me back behind bars. Or rather, I had enough the first time.
It pisses me off my boss us gone. She was great at her job, boosted the morale of the team, and demonstrably improved the productivity every department. Let go over a birth, a once in a lifetime event…it’s such bullshit.
Human beings have been really wearing me out.
I think with any business of a certain size, office politics starts to play a role. People are often looking for any excuse to get rid of each other. Which is part of why I never want to stop being self-employed, as lonely and unstable as it can be.
I get the resentment, really. But I think it disregards the frailty of even the most greedy and cutthroat. Everyone is going to get old, sick, lose everyone they love, then die, including our “corporate overlords”. Everyone’s bubble will inevitably be punctured, sooner or later. No need for the rest of us to trouble ourselves to make it happen.
I’m also generally of the disposition to “hate the game, not the player.” If you want to prevent greedy selfish behaviour, you have to design systems that disincentivize it. Assassinate a dictator, and they’ll generally just be replaced by one just as bad.
It’s good that you at least value your own life enough not to throw it away on retribution, which at best provides temporary satisfaction.
You are incredibly intelligent, and I appreciate your contribution a lot. You are correct in a few respects: 1. Self employment is definitely the way, 2. Disincentivization will prevent Greed
3. We all die anyway.
Truly, thank you
Thanks! I wouldn’t go that far, but occasionally the fog in my head clears enough to say something that’s hopefully vaguely relevant.
And yet you stay.
I have to be that person. That’s what my inner voice would be saying, if such a thing happened at my workplace. The values of your workplace are unavoidably near your own.
I have never stuck up for a supervisor, and can’t imagine it, so there is that.
If I saw that though, I might be planning my exit from the job. A company or organization that treats people like that…. do you expect them to take care of you? What future can there be?!
That’s how I ended up the burnt out anti capitalist shell that I am. No one will look out for you, no one cares. Work culture, and who and how they terminate people is terribly consequential in terms of my relationship with an employer.
Employers really need to step up and do more for employees, like for example supporting them when they need time off. They won’t until customers and employees demand it, but that doesn’t negate the need.
I’ve been “lucky” in my life that I have been able to allow my morality to throw every single wrench into my career, meaning I have lost the job every time it was either I leave or the company reform. No company has ever wanted to reform on that offer.
Haha, you’re right, and you’ve given me something to think about. I DO stay. Perhaps, despite the higher ups, bc there aren’t better options while I’m back in college, and with a criminal record holding me back.
How many days did she take off? If it was 1-2d, then it’s absolutely inane of them to give her the boot. And she probably did give notice- I mean- as advance of a notice one can give.
And yes, it sounds like they wanted ANY excuse to get rid of her, likely bc she actually IS liked by the employees, is happy, and her bosses are jealous of her and bitter. Is her boss female?
She took off half a day, only the time it took to leave work and go to the hospital.
Her boss is indeed a woman, although I don’t quite follow where that line of thinking goes…maybe you can elaborate? Thank you for your response
because women are incredibly petty, nasty and vindictive to other women, especially to women they are jealous of.