I can’t remember if I’ve talked about this, but those stupid fucking motors that gave me a fucking problem all winter break had the wrong chip on them. Some dude added a fucking P to the end of the chip name and then we had 500 semi-useless boards. This whole time this could have been fixed by ordering the right ones or maybe changing how we flash the boards. This whole time. Now I’ve tried to put in an order for 30 correct boards and my advisor is giving me fucking shit for it. Asking if they will work. Where the fuck was this scrutiny for the other order? I even offered to pay out of pocket and get reimbursed later. Absolute prick. But it doesn’t stop there. I met with a guy who I thought was joining to help out. He’s taking over my fucking project. I was blindsided by this because the asshole didn’t phrase it as if he was my replacement. I was going to ask him tomorrow what he thought about me continuing into the PhD program but I guess I already got my fucking answer. Lost before I even started. Broken boards, replacement already picked out. Never had a fucking chance right from the fucking start. It wouldn’t have even made a difference anyways. Still would have fucked it up. Still going to ask him. I want him to say to my fucking face that I’m rejected. Bare minimum that prick could do.
So wait, these were the control boards or the power boards? I guess I’m also unclear on the defect, but that’s okay it’s not like I could fix it.
It seems like procurement shouldn’t be left up to grad students. Alternatively, it seems like the correct boards should ship with the motors. Who am I though? Not an engineer, a social science major and electrical apprentice, so not much at all.
Heck I went on my rant about how I don’t think supplements should be allowed to state that they have a vitamin in them if they don’t actually have it, that’s how wacky I am. The FDA doesn’t agree, for the record.
We solder the boards on to little n20 gear motors. From pololu. The boards make it easier to do pid control (precisely controlling position and speed through the electric signals you send). Makes programming super simple. They were designed by an undergrad team who got it off the internet and modified them. They work when you actually buy the right parts. The lab is run by grad students. Our advisor is very hands off. They provide the money, sign the paperwork, and stick their name on any papers we write. I guess when you reach that level, you can do that.