Break is almost over.
Still have stuff I need to do.
Lost a game save I didn’t back up. Deleted the few games I have in frustration.
Don’t even know why I started gaming again after I said I’d stop to begin with.
I may as well save my money, not get a new GPU and CPU when I have working parts currently and just try to fix the computer so it isn’t so noisy.
Not sure what to do now, now that I’ll try to cut games out again.
Maybe watch anime, focus more on computer repairing and networking.
Therapy is something I’m doing, not sure how things will go but I’m hoping I can figure it out.
I’m very rested though. Actually been getting enough sleep for the first time in a long while.
I’m just tired of these cycles and want to move forward again.
Still have to get a primary care doctor, and figure out this dentist thing.
I am such a mess.
I recommend a heat sink (really underrated). They produce 0 db, because they aren’t fans; essentially absorb all the heat because it’s made of metal.
My gaming rig has a custom heat sink from cooler master, maybe will get an AIO for it, not sure yet. Don’t feel like spending $300 on a GPU, but spending $700 – $800 on a mid range computer is something I’m not going to do though, especially when the computer I have now works. It just needs a fan replacement, and I’m planning to update the CPU/GPU in time to run more modern games even better on it.
Idk, maybe I should just be responsible and use the money for a portion rent and hold off a bit to get a GPU. I’m just tired of spending money.
Yeah I get that. Once the Nvidia 5000 series starts rolling out, the 4000 and 3000 series would become much cheaper I think, which would still be good for high end stuff if that’s what you are going for.
I’ve been sticking with straight air cooled this time around, and the only downside is that when my system is working hard it sounds like an out of shape person climbing a hill. IDK about avoiding upgrading just because you’re avoiding gaming. I guess if you’re also avoiding IDEs and video editing as well as anything else that will give your system a lot to work at. Heaven help you if you want to do audio mixing.
The furthest I push stuff for gaming is only about three years ahead of what I’m going to need for ordinary projects.