Is criticism. It wasn’t that I didn’t like criticism it was more that I couldn’t take criticism. Other ppl will let you know exactly who you are via feedback. The most valuable thing in the world is not gold stashed in a tax-free vault in Switzerland, the most valuable thing in the world is feedback. In my own case it took many years to get good at interacting with others then a few years ago I isolated myself from others and was watching world cinema -Bergman,Bunuel,Fellini, Kurosawa, all that bollocks, excessively, and thinking this would not be a problem. One day I was interacting with others thinking my behaviour was just fine and and a good friend pulled me aside with these words ” A bit hyper today pal, a bit wired, I’m just looking out for you” I didn’t like it but on reflection it was true. You have to be fond of someone to speak up in the first place so I welcomed it.I wouldn’t be a fan of hyper behaviour, not my cup of tea, not a good luck. I had to watch this and fix it. It took a while, if you have isolated yourself from others you don’t just get back into the swing of social interaction overnight, it takes months to adjust to the currents, the ebbs and flow, rhythm and cadence of social interaction, it took me about 6 months.Criticism is the gift that keeps on giving.
Usually, when people say “the gift that keeps on giving”, they’re talking about STDs. So I found some ironic humor in that this isn’t the case here haha.
I, for one, WOULD take the “gold stashed in a tax-free vault in Switzerland.” 😛
Having enough “fcuk you money” allows one to live the way they want, and do the things they want. But that’s just mho.
Correct about the ‘fuck you’ money and importance thereof. Toothache Monday, in with the dentist yesterday, ” and how will Sir be paying today, by cash or card?” asked the receptionist. To make matters worse that was the same day I fancied some high quality pot after a tolerance break. Way leads on to way in this world. Due to the root canal 700 euro I had to make an unpleasant phonecall ” can I get the weed today and fix you up next week, if it doesn’t put you out?” I had to ask. ” Well it kinda does put me out, okay” he said non too pleased.
I would still rank criticism as even more valuable for the reason one might not be aware where one is going wrong.