I hate this world and I don’t want to be here anymore. However, I want my existence to have meant something. So, here’s my plan.
I’m in college again, a Spanish major. I’m gonna finish school, move to the Mexicantown portion of Detroit, become a Court Interpreter, and on the side, I’m gonna teach people English who don’t already know it. For free.
I can kill myself at any time I choose. The option is always there when I’m ready. But…I want to try to do something with my life. I’d be leaving behind a dark world, and I just figured I’d try to put some light back into it before I leave.
This is one of the most inspiring things I’ve read on this site. Not inspiring as in “It gets better” but something real and meaningful despite the hopelessness.
I think too often we focus on happiness being the cure for life’s curse. But the truth is that many of us can’t be happy. What then? I think the only answer is what you’ve come up with: do something that’ll leave the world a little better than when you got here.
When dealt a rotten life it’s easy to spew that same rottenness back at the world, but you’re doing the opposite. I hope you keep us posted because it’s really great motivation. I need to start thinking this way, so thanks for the message.
Wow, thank you so much for your message! I’m glad you’ve found something worthwhile in it, and I wish you the best too. I hope you find that things worth shooting for
That sounds really interesting, anything involving the courts unavoidably is. I thought about going into court reporting just because I wanted to learn stenotype, but on further reflection I didn’t want to learn that bad. I also keep toying with the idea of getting my Juris Doctorate, but it probably will never happen.
The world needs more interpreters though, when I was doing social work I was so thankful for people that came in with interpreters. I also have a soft spot for Detroit, so I think it’s awesome anyone that wants to try and make that a better place.
It seems like you’re turning a corner, and I hope someday soon to do the same.
I have mixed feelings about Detroit. It is the place that has held my lowest lows. But I’ve also seen people redeem themselves there. I don’t live far from it, which I suppose reveals I’m in Michigan. That’s okay.
Google translate any other AI doesn’t catch nuances in language that real people do. And a human connection, a heart, is something that can never be replaced with AI. So these people will become my reason for continuing on. They already are.
It may seem ironic at first. Happiness: an unattainable thing in a world powered by misery. And yet, simply trying to put that light back is exactly what creates a space for happiness.
Not the same old “don’t change whe world, change how you see it.” but rather, in hopelessness, perhaps even in rebelion, do something to make life bettter for others and oneself.
Inspiring post.
I think you’re exactly right. Maybe putting the light back IS what creates a space for happiness. I’ll do my damndest to find happiness, but if I can’t be happy, then I want to be someone who can create easier, happier lives for others, especially the often forgotten.
We will see how it all goes. I’ll admit, having a mission is doing bmgood for me though. Thank you for the response