grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i’m so pissed off with people i find out something and my first instict is to care, so i do, i care and i care and i fucking care, but it all gets thrown back into my face, i get told to stay out of things, i get told to fuck off and keep my nose out but i do keep my nose out i just compfort and give advise like any normal person would, so if people keep tellin me to go away everytime i care about something i’m not going to care and if people say they need help i’m not going to help them because every time i do it gets thrown back into my face and i’m sick of it i just give up i’m a very talkative person and if someone tells me something i cant help but say things like how and why and try and find out other things so then i can help but thats just my nature and if people dont like my nature they can fuck off
You’re probably just annoying. Try listening, not talking.
Sometimes people react with anger especially on an upsetting subject because it’s usually very easy to respond with anger rather than show pain or real feelings and hurt. I think you’re an admirable person to care and just want to try to make others feel better. Those that respond with criticism (such as previous comment) are either just looking for attention themselves or trying to take out their anger and frustrations on anyone they can. Don’t let these people get you down, honestly…NOT WORTH IT! Keep on keeping on, don’t give up.
Hello there,
We all understand your pain. We have all been betrayed, and we have all betrayed someone else at some point in time.
There are no victims and no villians in life, it only appears to be that way.
The only truth you know about someone is that which THEY want you to see, and that which YOU want to see. The real truth is dispersed somewhere out into the universe!
Do not look upon yourself as a victim. You have chosen your circumstances in some way and the people in your life. You have done this in order to obtain spiritual growth. After all, how could you know the perfection that really is you if not for the imperfection that is this life?
Again, there are no victims and no villians. Remember this always.
We all work in conjunction with one another in order to learn about ourselves, who we are.
With that said, my favorite truth is this:
In the scheme of the universe, it is of no matter who loves you and who does not. Nope. Not important at all.
The ONLY thing that really matters, the KEY to life itself, is to learn to love yourself, no matter what.
Keep this truth close to heart, and you can conquer anything
Much Love