I found this site the other day in just general misery… . It was weirdly comforting to have a read and a rant and see other people really feel just as crap as I do. Well since then I reckon i been on cloud nine. Like I have been able to work 2 full days without disapearing through the day, fixed broken stuff I have had about, cleaned stuff . May have forgotten to sleep a bit. But have felt like awesome like wow great like. In my awesomeness i fell off cloud nine hit the deck hard like cried all day been abundle of notted muscles and totally incapable of anything -including being suicidal. Just slept and cried all day . lol anyway go figure
You sound like you might be bipolar…
I dont no but I do no I use to be able bottle up really well but lately I cant hide it or control it like… it like all my ‘hide it’ resources have been used up … but i had a litle rant earlier. Thats basically me but I wasnt expecting the down I had the other day. There just seems to be more and more vertical distance between the im feeling good and the im feeling miserable. I dont so much notice the feeling good until im feeling bizarly like woah check this out.. and then I think oh this is gunna suck later. And then bang! feel like Shit. Uhm and the cloud nine thing wasnt a like drug thing either btw.. and thanks whoever put this site here cause use are gold really really gold and every one here too is really thanks