Has anyone looked into the best way to die while leaving the major organs suitable for donation? Â I imagine it would be tricky to be found quickly enough after death without risking interference with the suicide.
Has anyone looked into the best way to die while leaving the major organs suitable for donation? Â I imagine it would be tricky to be found quickly enough after death without risking interference with the suicide.
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I’ve thought about that too.
I really want to be donor but by commiting suicide I don’t know if the organs will be suitable when they find me.
Yes, that’s a problem. I thought about call 911 before so the ambulance could come fast and meanwhile just shoot myself. But, what if I call 911 and then there’s a lack of courage?
I don’t know.
You clearly value the organs that God has given you. Save them for when they are needed. God will decide when it is time. Value yourself, your flesh.
Email me and I will help you. I will talk to you everday. I will be your constant.
still hoping to hear from you.
You’re very kind Lindsey. I have a loving wife, great parents and three doting medical professionals that are all currently trying to play the role you are offering to fill. My problem isn’t something that is easily identified or quantified. From an outside perspective there’s absolutely nothing wrong in my life. I have a great wife, great family, great place to live, good friends and no real worries at all. All the enemies I’m fighting are imaginary. I hear things that aren’t there, I remember things that haven’t happened, I have wild and evil dreams, the list irritating defects I have is long. The medications that I currently take make me able to function effectively. My reason to wish for death is twofold. First, my default state of existence is one that is unpleasant for me to endure. I don’t enjoy constantly fighting everything inside of me. Secondly, I am concerned that my continued living will have a severe negative outcome. When my mind gets to a point beyond my control I have the ability to create much evil. I think if some of the great evildoers in history had recognized that they were uncontrollably acting against public interest and chosen suicide that people would have been better off. I think there are many circumstances were voluntary termination of life is the correct choice. I believe my case is one of those situations.