Today I found out the person I’ve gave everything to is still sleeping with his ex! I admit, I’m not in a relationship with him but when he constantly tells me he’s in love with me knowing full well I would go to anything for this guy it’s not nice to find out that he’s still sleeping with yourself and his ex? Not to mention he took my virginity after I told him how much I do love him, I know what you’re thinking “she’s young, she don’t know what love is” I do when that one person has had everything from me and made me stop cutting myself or attempting to commit suicide for a good while, as soon as we ended the first time I was straight back to the blade. Am I just being obsessive or am I right? Please give me constructive advice thank you xx
you are definetely right. the guys a jerk from my perspective. just send him to …. and find someone else. its hard. but ull get over him. its not impossible to get ovr someone u love. it just takes time.
I get how you feel. I gave everything to my ex too, and she was the light to my darkness, but she also left me while she’s out with others. So in a way, I get how you feel. Especially when she still says she loves me but can’t be with me and all that shit. You’re not obsessed, you’re just a girl in love, but with the wrong guy. Both guys and girls are sometimes asses like that. Though, since he wasn’t your boyfriend and wasn’t with you, it wasn’t a good idea to just go have sex with him. That was a bad choice, but it’s not your fault you if he saved you from that. I suggest finding someone else who truly truly loves and cares and values you. Don’t ever get together with him no matter how much he begs later on, because if he does that once to you, he’ll do it again. He doesn’t sound like a good guy either.
We was together at one point
Please stop giving this worthless excuse for a man so much power over you. Do it for yourself because youve been through a lot im sure and you deserve better. Loosing your virginity to a guy you love and finding out it was all just lies just makes you wanna not exist because it hurts too much. Do not give him the power to feel special life can be beautiful it really can. Just stop talking to him and move on i know it is so much easier said then done. But it will get better with time i know its cliche but its true be happy and love you cuz your the one who really needs it. I hope that my words can be of some help to you and i wish you the best.
He isn’t the reason you stopped cutting. And if you stay with him, things will continue going bad. He’s not faithful, and he will only continue to hurt you. Please leave him before things get worse. He’s not worth the pain, and he doesn’t deserve you. If he thinks he can play with your emotions while f***ing his ex and get away with it, he’s wrong.
Please don’t become emotionally dependent on him, or anyone else. Please find the strength to leave him and hold on. Please don’t go back to cutting. There are much better guys out there than him.
Good luck and strength to you.
Your name Nicola… Nycolle… Seem so much the same… Fell in love… She was perfect but she didn’t love me back… 🙁 but yeah leave the idiot,
I really do hate love. It’s so hard, but when you get it. It’s good!
@NeverKnown – He is. I would feel guilty if I dared do such a thing when I was with him.. soon after we split Bam straight back to it.
I had a similar experience when it comes to losing the virginity with
the wrong one..
I remained a virgin even after being on relationships
with people I “knew well” – like from my classroom/
a son of my family’s friend…
(none longer than a year though).
The problem was that out of the blue when I turned 18,
I went head over heals about a guy. We talked for 6 months,
made out, and he would try to advance and I’d simply say no.
I started to weigh the fact that I was deeply attracted to him, and
that he was 24 at the time, so I created some sort of fantasy that
we could get married eventually. So I thought: Okay, I’ll tell him about
being a virgin and then he will know he is my first guy so that might
make him see how special he is and we could end up together if
I make him my first.
The guy gladly accepted being with me, but the thing is that right
after our night ended, he vanished and I found out he was clubbing
and kissing various models on the same week later.
I got so deeply heartbroken that I ended up
discrediting love and romance and ended up placing it simply as “sex”.
I lost track of my true essence, and ended up having meaningless sex
with other partners (since I believed that making love was a lie and
then i ended up acting on a rebelious way against all my
pure dreamy ways). I got together with a friend of his and stayed sleeping
with him for a year… I didn’t want to feel alone, neither did I want the
guy to think that he had played me and I was cryin by myself.
But you know what? Instead of all that, I should’ve simply said:
Well whateva!
Keep on rocking by being myself, and spending my time going to the gym,
getting hotter and prettier. Hanging with my friends and having a good
time being myself, and then wait till the right guy showed up and married me,
so I’d be loved on my honeymoon.
I’d feel TRULY wanted that way.
In the end, it doesn’t matter what that guy thinks or what!
It matters is if I’m truly happy or truly lonely. Life goes on.
For me, for him and for others. He dates someone else, I date
someone else. If I date someone else wrongly, I’ll end up alone.
Even when someone said: Oh you r sooo sexy… (and made u
feel so wanted), those are all vain compliments.
True story.
Nowadays I have friends who are happily married living a true beautiful
love, and I’m single and with a lot of internal issues to solve.
If I remained true to my feelings (even after he left me) I’d definitely
find the right partner at the right time, and then I’d feel loved for real!
It might not seem so at first, but there are tons of guys out there who
would truly value the fact that the girl has so many delicate and cute
feelings, instead of being so sexualized like many.
(I’m not dating anyone for a long time now, and I’m getting ready to
live a healthy relationship with someone in a near future, hopefully).