The boy I like has been noticing me more.. he’s been talking to me a lot lately, and I catch him looking at me. I want something to happen between us. But I’m scared if he knew everything about me he’d run in the other direction.
What would make him run in the other direction?
He’s just one of those guys that want everything to be normal, and have no issues. I’m just scared that if he found out I cut and that I’ve tried killing myself he’d go off me in a second.
Well, telling someone youtried killng yourself is not omething you say straight away, its a personal thing, and should only be told to ones you trust and if you feel like sharing it with him. You could get to know him first, then say you,ve been depressed and take it from there. If hes a good peson he will understand and not run. Just take it slow and let the trust grow. Lots of people tried killing themselves, hey even me. Well its certainly the closest ive come. If you need to vent ask advice then feel free.
Yeah, but I’m scared he’ll find out anyway.
But you’re right. I don’t even have to tell him, I’m just scared.
Try not to be scared, focus on the good things, like how hes paying attention to you or think about what you could do if you spent some time together. Theres heaps of possibilities. If youve got any evidence on your body like scars etc, just either be honest and say you were depressed or say it was from an accident…dont worry too much. At least someone seems like they like you. My gf left me and I got no one.
Yeah, I do have scars, and more cuts.. but I always wear a jumper.. so it’s okay.
Aw, how long ago?
She left me about a month ago, still hurts cos she came back and pretended to want to come home only to use me and leave again. But I found this site a few days ago, people here seem to be able to relate which kinda helps in a different way.
That’s a bit bitchy of her..
Yeah, it’s nice to talk to people who actually understand.