My life has taken a dramatic change for the worse recently… It’s my own fault, but none-the-less it is hard… Harder then anything iv ever experienced… When my life changed, I suddenly found myself alone… Not just without the love that i so deeply desire, but… Without anyone… Why do poeple say that you must learn to be happy on your own before you can learn to love someone else? If you took a couple that was deeply in love, who had both learned previously to be happy on their own, and then tore them apart… It’s not like they would suddenly know what to do. They, too, would be lost, hurt, and alone… I use to be the kind of person that evaluated my own life based on the number of people I had in it… Now, it seems like iv been plunged into such deep darkness… People who I thought cared are just too busy or they have openly expressed that they don’t want to be around me when I’m depressed, which now’a days is ALL THE TIME… As much as i hate work, i dread the final hour of the day because I know its almost time to go home and be alone again… I am just so tired of being alone…
so am i only im surounded by people who care about me no one knows how much im hurting i hate life and i hate being a screwup
People leave. It happens. Being alone is not the worst that could happen. But obviously it hurts you deeply and I am sorry for that. Hey, at least nobody straight out told you they hated you eh.