i wish everyone will die. i wish my family will just drop dead. i hate this fucking world they put me in. they have no right to give birth to me. they have no right to make me suffer. im not ever going to be normal like everyone else. im just me, me myself. nothing will ever change. i dont want to change either. i try to be nice but i get hurt. if i have fire, i will burn my house down and everyone will just die. isnt that nice? if they have the right to give birth to me, don’t i have the right to take away their lives? i love them so much but its all wrong when all it ever do is to hurt me. im trying to calm myself so i wont cut. cut doesnt do a shit for me. it still hurts inside. i need to get out of the house now. im too scared of what i will do. i hate this world and everyone in it. they dont leave me alone and they hurt me. hurt me bad but no wounds. scars all inside. im dead but im still living. i really need to get out before i do something scary.
If you got a mp3 player puRyt on the most hardcore song on there and go outside and run. Run until yo legs and lungs hurt. Cause sitting in that box of a room is only going to make you more mad….i know.
credit card…run, just run and don’t look back
Hey Lonely,
Come have a chat. Im always happy to have a chat to decent people. Add my nic to 389@gmail.com or 389@hotmail.com for msn.
Talking problems through with strangers who care can help you see things as they are better.
Stay good ..