well. the other day i decided to tell my friend my biggest secret..she didnt take it so well and now wont talk to me… also hardly any of my friends are trying to help me with my depression. my one friend said she doesnt want to be around the “negative energy” so i basically only have my boyfriend. and im happy all the time when i talk to him, but when i dont talk to him im so sad i feel like falling asleep and never waking up. i dont know what to do… in a way i want to go to therapy.. but then id have to tell my mom…idk if i can handle telling her how i feel and that i cut… so i really dont know what to do…
im sorry your friend didnt take it well. maybe its just a shock to her and she doesnt know how to deal with it. but if she really cares then she will talk to you. just give it some time. and its good you have your bf to support you. he really cares then. and if you really wanna get help tell your mom. she wont be mad at you. depression is a sickness and she cant blame you. tell her you want to get better, and that you want to go to therapy. it could help you get better and feel better. i wish you luck. xoxo Gabby
i just told my mom, she took it well. kinda sad about me cutting myself and told me never to do it again.. i made her cry… but i hope it gets better. she said if i still wanted to she’s gonna look into me going to therapy after xmas..
Aw. She may just need some time To get her head around the fact, also you can go to your GP without your mum knowing. It’s all confidential. I know how you feel so if you ever want to chat just message me 🙂 xx.
thank you. i think i will email you. i recently just told my mom..
Aww. That’s good, I hope things get better for you now. It’s so hard to tell parents stuff like that, I didn’t even get the chance to attempt it, teachers did it for me Xx.