ive hurt and cut and overdosed and lots more im 14 and i hate my life everyone hurts me because of the stupid people sayin u have blue waffles yea wen it aint true
ive hurt and cut and overdosed and lots more im 14 and i hate my life everyone hurts me because of the stupid people sayin u have blue waffles yea wen it aint true
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Awe Honey if I were face to face with you I’d give you a big hug. My teenage years were the hardest years of my life. OMG kids can be so damn mean. What’s a blue waffle? Don’t mean to sound naive.
Please hang in there sweetie. Trust me some day you will get away from these people and you won’t think of them again.
there is no way that you have blue waffle, those bastards are just haters, trying to find someone that is easily picked on. I’m so sorry to here that the people in your school are jerks.
Well, I had to google what a blue waffle was. I have to say, I’m disgusted that anyone would call you that. I’m sorry that you are getting bullied in school. Kids can be jerks. Ask yourself this; Do these people know the real me? Are they important to me?
If you answered no, don’t listen to what they have to say. They don’t know shit!
Eventually, you’ll leave high school and never have to see those assholes ever again. Trust me.
Ok I just looked up Blue waffle. What a bunch of brats. I am so sorry you have to be among such losers. THey do not deserve your tears and pain. They really don’t.
second that …. had to look up blue waffle ….
Some Kids are generally (not all) pretty dumb, with low self awareness (as are some adults) and so don’t think about things they say or do to others and what that impact might be.
That said, you can listen to idiots or ignore idiots. Just tell them, “I’m going to ignore you just because you’re an idiot” … and walk away smiling…
I bet “they” get offended …. 🙂
I just looked up blue waffles as well. Now I’m going to have nightmares.
If you’re being bullied, get even. Fight back, spread rumours, do whatever you have to do to stand up for yourself because that is the only thing that bullies respect.
I would say to them. ” You have me confused with your mother” lol
people who say that about other people have very low self esteems. they have problems and take it out on other people. im sorry you had to deal with poeple like that. i wish you the best. xoxox
It’s not nice, but it’s meant to strengthen you. It’s definitely not cool. Whatever a blue waffle is…means nothing to me. Sticks and stones…..I know you are but what am I….young kids know to not take on others name calling, they know it’s projection.
Just so you know, people that feel the need to bully others have so much messed
up stuff going on with themselves. So they have to share their hurt by making themselves
feel better through the act of bullying. So just know they’re really weak inside.
A truly powerful person, cares and loves you. So here’s your opportunity to love you unconditionally, never to soon to start. And if they say anything else, let them know how sorry you feel for them, cause you know the truth. It’s all good, and you will be all the stronger before you know it. You deserve to be happy. Take care.
LOL @ one day ~ get even, spread rumours & uttilini – you have me confused with your mother! 🙂
i agree :))
Wot are blue waffles??
I just googled it … Bastards tell them they must have been lookin in the mirror!!!!