Trying to ;limit the harm that we do should br careflly thought out.
Leaving as lttle on scene trauma as possible is my motto.
I finnally found the quantity of method am too use. From what I’ve read online, the right amount and tolerance to the specific always have variables.
It’s really to write this post, I’m seeing triplicate and higher as the combination of items are entering the blood stream.
I know this site has saved many and have given hope to the hopless.
I’m really loaded as I write this, alot of nausia, no vomiting yet.
caucajun, peace out
Peace to you…good luck!
Please call 9-1-1. You can live a happy life. Please get help.
hello,you there?
If you come back, we still remain.
If you succeed , then I wish you the greatest of peace and ending of pain my brother. You will be missed.
Your words here have helped a lot of people and even enlightened me.