Well I failed 2 previous times to keep the mask on. After reading some NDE stories I would think it would reflect the natural process of having the lungs stop.
I was thinking to use a nother mode, when it hit me I wasn’t ready, I stilll might not be ready.
All I know to believe is what I’ve been reading in the NDE stories.
Its a choice, my physical self isn’t going to want to allow me to pass out, because it knows once your unconscience your a goner.
I dislike failures at this stuff.
From what i gather masks were designed for assisted suicides? i could be rong but if thats how u want to go then u need someone there to help. U trust anyone that much?
I find it easier than a Bag Over my head, the mask stays on alll by itself, well thats if my body doesnt move at an angle that would permit air to leak in, it already leaks.
Wish I was not where I am.
Psychologically speaking the mask would seem less scary than the bag i suppose.All this gas must be exspensive?
@ caucajun…are you able to see the good that has come out of your current situation that feels so crappy? Quite the paradox eh? You’re on this forum and you’ve learned so much.-people that say the world is a cruel, heartless place are not right…I give a sh..and so do many others while we’re in our perceived dilemmas…you definitely know you’re still here and the process of what you desire will continue to teach until you’ve extracted everything it’s meant to teach you. There are no accidents. You’re succeeding bros..not failing in any way.
Where do you score the ********?
******** is a joke. so is that goofy bag on the head idea. self preservation will have that bag off in no time š