Does anyone enjoy solitude as much as I do? I haven’t left the house in 4 days and I’ve been quite happy… I couldn’t go on for too long though because I’d get lonely…but I’ve enjoyed the freedom and not having to worry about the things I normally worry about … being around others for too long just drains me at times. Ahhh, splendid isolation.
yes can very much understand you. When i not working i spend to whole time reclausing at home. I like to shut the outside world out and go as far as pulling out my phone lines and if anyone dare comes over i feel angry cos its like an intrusion of my privacy and i pretend to not be home. I guess im a full reclause, but i enjoy being home and pot around with my hobbies and watching dvds , cos dvds takes me away from my own shitty life for a while. I feel weird for being like this, glad to know theres others like myself. I avoid all social contact cos outside my work i cannot bother with people. I get depressed to cos often i dont interact well socially, and sick of being left out of group conversations, so i , long ago just gave up
Hello Amyxxx….you made me smile for sure….thanks ever so much….first off the post caught my attention because of the title…Lalalaaaa….my daughter says that all the time….that and nyahhhhh….lol….and then you’re screen name…my daughter’s name is Aimee….lol…and she is a true joy and trial to me let me tell you….but such a young thing…she’a only 31 after all…lol
And then i read your post….and boy could i relate….i go from total isolation to social butterfly….never 100 percent comfortable with either….but it keeps me going…have created my own ivory tower here and go out less and less because of health reasons…oh yeah and apathy…lol….never want to go out….but when i do i usually enjoy it immensely…sometimes at other peoples expense…but usually at my own….it’s all good….i like to laugh…even at myself….lol
That being said….i love coming here to socialize from my ivory tower….it really helps me….i am actually quite sociable….but just don’t do it well or often…lol…i am an Aspie myself….but thanks to you and others i can get both my need for solitude and inclusion met right here….wow….it’s been amazing…and painful…and hilarious…but extremely helpful in a strange sort of way….
So i think i relate to you….can you groove me?
It’s all good