For as long as i can remeber ive been the one to get mad fun of but today had to be the wrst i started my new school and i guess since i was the new girl people had to judge me right away but i paid it no mind plus i really couldnt hear them.anyway so i went into my second period and sat down and there was two guys sitting in front of me and i over heard them say i was fat and that i was ugly just when i was beganing to feel a lityle better about myself this happens how can soneone who dont even know you judge you its not fair anyways i had gotten tired of people looking at me and then wispering so i signed myself out of school i hate that humans even learned to speak
What others have to say is not a true reflection of the beautiful relationship you best have with yourself!!! When you are resolute within your own being about who and how YOU feel about you, what others have to say means absolutely nothing.
The positive in what those guys said is that it’s giving you an opportunity to look within and cultivate some internal strength…ie. unconditional love for yourself.
Your looks mean nothing to me…but how is your heart? Where are you with that…I’ve seen lots of gorgeous women who I see no true beauty inside, no judgement, it’s just how they define themselves that comes through. Define yourself only by what matters and is important to you….when you love yourself unconditionally, from that place you can only make decisions that are in alignment with believing that. You naturally choose to eat healthier, go for walks, have a banana, a health shake…it just happens naturally, and you absolutely 100% deserve to. Take care.
When people don’t know you, the only thing they CAN judge you on is how you look. And, sad as it may seem, people will judge.
I’m sorry they said hurtful things but maybe it will help if you remember that a beautiful spirit is a greater treasure than a beautiful body – one is forever, the other will wither away no matter what you do to try and keep it.
Besides, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because they didn’t like you (or SAID they didn’t anyway) doesn’t mean they’re right. Nobody is liked by everyone. And I’m pretty certain those two have their fair share of people saying the same kind of things about them – or will have at some point in their lives.
I hope it helps (but I doubt it) and I hope things improve for you.