Why do I act? I act in so many ways that I don’t even remember who I am. I’m just so tired of it. The same thing happening over and over again. I thought I had gotten over it, but I was wrong. Maybe I’ll never get out of this slump. I’m just stuck waiting for someone to pull me back up on my feet. Can I not mange to out of this on my own? Why can’t I? I’ve tired so many times….but I’m about to fall again. I want to stand on my own and face my fears. I want to stop acting……I want to be strong enough to do this but I can’t…I try everyday and fail. What should I do just wait for someone to came across my cold dead body on the side of the road?
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Dear Disappearing….maybe you need permisssion to vacate your role, whatever it has been for a day.
Being is not so much a recollection as it is a sensation that changes over time.
We are never who we think we are … we are who we feel we are.
Who are you acting for? Who is your audience? What if you played writer for a day what would you have your actor/actress self do?
If I knew yo in person I’d say lets go running around town exclaiming we exist and do some in some scary but authentic way like singing off key or dressing goofy – put on a poorly acted play.
For understanding how deeply we need one another try watching the movie Awakenings. Talk about a slump and needing help.
For finding your internal compass I recommend meditation and play. Did you get to play as a child? Did you grow up playing a forced role?