Does anyone on here suffer from BOTH Bipolar (I or II) and ADHD?  I used to take Adderall for ADHD for years and it dramatically helped with focus and energy. Initially, I  saw a pdoc for depression only but after mixed results with several antidepressants  and my telling her that I was diagnosed ADHD as a child, she added Adderall. It worked wonders for quite sometime for energy and focus but only mildly improved my depression. Recently I went through a major manic episode and now know that I am Bipolar. I had been off all meds for a month or two prior to the event and can’t even begin to imagine what my manic episode would have been like had I been taking Adderall at the time. The mania was triggered by several major life event changes and it lasted for about 3 months. The high made me think that I was better but quickly crashed into the worst depression imaginable. I’m going back to my pdoc in a few days and want to get back on Adderall because this fatigue and lethargy is unbearable. I’m going to have to sugar coat how I describe my frequent suicidal thoughts so they don’t try to put me on a 72 hour mental hold but must emphasize that I experienced all the typical symptoms of mania and am now in a deep depressive phase and want to be put on lithium or some other mood stabilizer. There are several to choose from and the side effects are scary but something has to give or it’s time to ctb. Does anyone here have experience with Adderall coupled with a mood stabilizer? I’ve had only a few manic phases in my life and now that I know what they are I hope to recognize them before I do any more damage to my life. I’m skeptical that a mood stabilizer to help quiet these constant suicidal thoughts and lessen this horrible depression exist but its worth a shot while I still have insurance.
I was diagnosed with ADAH as a kid shortly after i started kindergarten. I never took Adderall, but i took Concerta and Seroquel. I took Concerta up till I of the was 13. But 2 to 3 months after I started to feel depressed and had thoughts of suicide and consulted a psychiatrist, and I was diagnosed with Bipolar II. I’m now currently taking Seroquel. When I take the drug, i get a small euphoric high but i would crash shortly after the affect of the drug wares off. I’ll tell you more as I take this drug more.
I have bipolar 1 but as a kid i was very hyper…im on lamotrigine and seraquel seraquel is fantastic for mania control and the mood stabilizer is the best and ive tried lots none worked or had too many side effects gopgle bipolar1moodstabilizers and you should get a list and details of each contrindications so you can find out yourself then go armed with the info to the dr.i dont think youll get slapt with a hold if you are honest and say you have suisidal idealations but no plans that is just part of being bipolar dont worry ive scared my shrink shitless with some of my suisidal idealations and hes never locked me up:-) hope this helps take care
I was always a hyper little kid, and my parents always assumed I had ADD. In addition, I began struggling with depression at the onset of adolescence. I’ve been prescribed several different anti-d’s over the years, but none of them ever helped me. when I started college they put me on adderall, which worked really well until my first manic episode, which led to depakote and eventually lithium. I guess you’d call me bipolar II with ADD, however I think i’m still depressed as well. let me tell you dude, lithium is a heavy-hitter, and i’m still feeling somewhat depressed. these pills can only help you make your own strides; mood stabilizers can only eliminate mood swings, not wipe out depression completely.
I was in your position exactly about a year ago and seriously man a bipolar diagnosis and a new class of psychiatric meds IS NOT a magic bullet
Thanks @molly. Yes, my intentions are to say I have ideations but no plans currently. Not sure if I should mention an actual half-hearted attempt back in November, but I want to convey the extreme highs and lows experienced since last May. I’ve seen my pdoc for years but haven’t been in about a year. I moved across the country last May and the move triggered the mania. I didn’t recognize the episode as Bipolar mania until it crashed into a depressive void filled with constant suicidal thoughts. Although I’m grown at 34 and had very little contact with my parents and sister prior to the move from the Southeastern US to California, they knew right away that something was wrong. The suicide talk prompted my dad to fly out one way to CA to ‘retrieve’ me by riding back home with me in my car. Now I live with my sister and feel homeless. For now, I’ve been able to stay employed through all this but if I don’t find meds to help stabilize me the job might be jeopardized. Every day, if not every hour, is a living hell for me right now and it has been this way for 6-9 months. Even though I was depressed for years before this turn of events, my life was golden compared to what it is now and doesn’t feel worth living. I’m not religious but I pray that meds can make me feel like a person again. What I wouldn’t give to wake up one day in a decent mood with a sense of purpose, and confidence about the future. Right now I wish humans had a quick painless emergency exit because I’d walk, if not run, right through the door…
thanks @mostnorst
I’m no optimist and don’t believe in magic bullets but will say that when adderall was added to the mix it had miraculous effects. Mostly because it gave me the energy to get out of bed and focus on work. Of course, i didn’t focus on why i was depressed and now realize that my mood swings from depression to anger are most likely attributed to bipolar, a disease i wouldn’t have believed i had if not for the acute manic episode last summer. i suspect that lithium, lamictal, or depakote will be added to the mix. I was on citilopram and adderall before and hope i can get on the same regimen with the addition of a traditional bipolar mood stabilizer. the side effects worry me. if i lose my job and insurance i’ll be tempted to spend my last dollars on a flight to mexico, a bottle of tequila, a nice tall glass, some orange juice, and a big vile of ********. should make for a nice strong tequila sunrise. if only it were that easy. i hear ******** is getting hard to find down there and not as easy to purchase as it used to be. nothing is easy. why people have kids is beyond me, i couldn’t live with myself if i had a kid and they had to feel the pain i feel.
I’m Currently ‘recovering from a manic episode Toooo! I had to go to a 72 hr hold but Only because I was brought to this stupid ass therapist that freaked when she saw I was having a manic episode. Right then and there I told her she was right. but they made me go to the hospital take stupid ass drugs to come down (even though I was coming down on my own just fine. and I could sleep on my own too. but nooo…..) anyways I ended up in the hold for DOUBLE my time because the first Three days didn’t count because there was a holiday day and a weekend. What BS!!! But I’m over it now (:
I have ADHD AND BIPOLAR. I’m on lamictal and risperdone, and my depression is gone basically. It took a while to get leveled off but at least I feel Stable. When I was really depressed (only a few weeks ago) I really wanted to die/suicidal. Since then the thoughts have sort of lingered on and now I pretend I want suicide because I want to give up instead trying to get a job and get on with life… sad I know.
I was told I couldn’t use a stimulant because they’ll ‘trigger the mania… if that’s true for everyone. Try Strattera (don’t expect a sex life if you try it though lol) because that’s a non-stimulant based ADHD med.
Now that I’m not depressed, I’ve never been motivated my whole life so I’m not right now either. But I’m sure once you rid yourself the Damn depression you’ll feel like your normal self again. I’ve never had any drive in my Life and you understand how bad that sucks. It’s My life though!! Never wanting to go anywhere. Never wanting to stick at something. Always being a different person day after day. I’m so Bipolar it has Fcked with my personality, bent my social skills, and has kept me from caring about life in general. boohoo right?
Not to complain like a lil kiddie though!
I’ve only met one other kid who’s bipolar w/ adhd.. and I met him in the hold lolol
Man it’s so good to hear there’s someone else out there in the world who knows what the fck it’s like to go through this (crap)!!
“” What I wouldn’t give to wake up one day in a decent mood with a sense of purpose, and confidence about the future. Right now I wish humans had a quick painless emergency exit because I’d walk, if not run, right through the door…””
-Like I said I’m sure it’ll come back to you but yea I always thought like what if life was like a light switch you know. I would’ve definitely hit it (:
AND “WHy people have kids is beyond me” is my new fav. quote. I wonder that everyday.
80% of the world population is Bi-Polar. don’t act like you’re alone. why do you think the world is so fkd up ..
thanks @taulidpiaf
I’ve read posts on other sites about ADHD comingled with Bipolar I or II where Adderall and antimanics are taken simultaneously but there are few testimonials. A few Adderall/Lithium combo users complained that the Lithium reduced the effect of the Adderall, which is just common sense to me. At first I hoped that Lithium will be the drug of choice when I go next week but now I’m not so sure. The fewer blood tests the better and gaining wait while losing hair is a scary prospect. Regardless, I know that Adderall needs to be back in the picture as I’m night and day without it. One time when I decided to go off it I did nothing for weeks and just pretended to work. When I went back on it I focused on work to the point I submitted a patent application for some code I wrote. I’ve always been on an antidepressant of some nature but none of them really had much effect. The first one, Effexor, worked at first but fizzled after a year or so. I tried Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and eventually Celexa after that. My pdoc seemed obsessed with keeping me on Celexa even though I don’t think it did all that much. I think the fact that the Adderall did so much for me productivity/focus wise that I downplayed how depressed I really was. In fact, I downplayed the depression and never complained about how irritable and angry I generally am as a person, assuming it to be a genetic personality trait. Now I see bipolar traits in my sister and mother and realize that my overreactions to just about everything and negative mood swings are really manic phases without the elation. My major manic phase had plenty of elated highs but often lapsed into anger or arguing with people.
Although it is somewhat refreshing when I think that I’ve finally figured out what has been wrong with me for all these years, it pisses me off how much of my life was wasted and the damage that has been done. As I told my sister when she asked me if I was glad that the mystery is unraveling, “…even if a doctor did a brain scan on me and showed me a picture of a normal brain against mine proving that I am bipolar and adhd, it’s still just a photograph of a crazy person.” In other words, just because you can sit it still and photograph it doesn’t mean it can be fixed. Lord knows what else is wrong with me. Even if I can get this under control and maintain employment to cover drug costs and pay off some of the bullshit that i did during manic moments, I have the aging process to look forward to. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever really been happy in life ever for more than a week at a time and those weeks are few and far between. Maybe I’m too Darwinistic. I know that I’m not the fittest and feel that I don’t deserve to survive. Maybe some meds and time will change my mind, or maybe it won’t. For know, life blows donkey balls.
@ let me die spose i should also mention that antideppressants trigger mania unless you are established on a mood stabilizer first .i recently had a manic rapid cycling depression back to manic caused by mirtazapine and citalapram made me more depressed before that..everyone is different but keep it in mind it has taken me a year of 4different antidepressants for the dr to figure out i was bpd1 what a waste of a year…it really fucked with my brain also something to look up is is a result of antidepressants rewiring your brain and resetting it to rapid cycle thats what mirtazapine did to me…i am now on 150mg of lamotrigine and im still not up to a dose that works yet i have to be careful not to get too excited or i get hypo it really sux dont worry once you get onto something that works it will stop the depression i had ayear of the worst depression of my life it was horrendous but now im more up than down great if ive got alot on but hang in there good luck with your dr let me know how you get on my email is on the comment thread keep me posted!!
@mr miles i really dont think the world poulation of bipolar is anywhere as high as you say more like 2% from what ive read and the world isnt fuckdd up just some of the people in it cept us of course!!
if ur 21 or older , I highly recommend you have a 5th of something and a pack of cigs. throw all those crappy meds in the trash. nobody really cares if you’re fit or not. go to any walmart and everyone there is a fat slob anyway. the key to life is to have as much fun as you can while you can. people here plotting their own destruction but we could be hit by a bus or a cab tomorrow for all we know.
can’t believe everything you read Molly. I’m right. I’m always right. 80% are Bi-Polar. Molly and I are the only sane people left on the planet. we know what we’re talking about here 🙂
@Mister Miles. I think the statistic is more like 1 and 6 but they are all really just guesses. I think the world is f’ed up for many reasons. If you live in the states there are few safety nets for the mentally ill if you don’t have money or insurance. If you have social anxiety, depression, behavior problems, and/or learning disabilities, getting and keeping a job with decent enough insurance and the flexibility to see doctors can be next to impossible. Throw in the fact that some conditions make getting out of bed or the house, if your lucky enough to have a bed or a house, scheduling pdoc appointments and keeping up with medication schedules is a pain in the ass. I’m in a major depression mode right now so I can complain about everything under the sun, and don’t even get me started about the sun. When I’m in a manic high phase the story is usually different. Sometimes I’m fascinated by any and everything, other times I still generally hate the world but I’m more angry at it than upset and scared by it. The fact that I cycle between these views makes me feel rather hopeless considering all the physical problems I get to look forward to. I watch my poor father wince in pain as he goes up or down a flight of stairs and see his bucket of pills he has to take and I think to myself…is this all there is? Right now I just don’t see the point. If I suspect that I will soon go broke and end up homeless because I can’t get these problems under control I’d much rather end it. The quicker the better.
you’ve heard it before but I’ve been where you’re at emotionally. you’re in the pissed off , I hate people phase. 3 years from now you will pass this point and enter the just don’t give a damn phase. I was told I had a month left to live, but that was over 3 weeks ago. I watched my grandfather die slowly from cancer. he woke up late one night begging for a glass of water. I got him a glass and he drank it and asked for another. by the time I got back with the second glass he was gone. I think the worst part of living a long life would be watching all the ones we love die. would suck to be immortal.
@Mister Miles
I past the pissed off phase. I’m in the scared phase. I’m pretty young but have a lot of debt from past mistakes and student loans. If I lose my job I’ll lose my insurance and getting another job will be difficult in this condition. I guess if it all goes to hell I’ll get pissed off again but the don’t give a damn phase will ultimately result in ctb exploration further than that I have already. I already hate my life as it is so if it gets worse I’d rather cash in my chips and be done with it. So 3 weeks ago you were told u have a month to live? So you have only a week left? If so I’m kinda jealous. Yes, I’d hate to see everyone around me die but it’s all in our heads (chemistry). I had a next door neighbor who had an ongoing bet with her friends that she’d outlast them all. They pass money around when one of them kicks the bucket and they laugh about it. It made me queezy when she told me about it but it must be in our wiring. Back then the thought of death made me nervous because I wanted to live and was afraid to die young. Now I’m afraid of getting old and living a long drawn out crap life full of pain and would like to die now in a peaceful way. Amazing what just a few years will do to your soul. I wouldn’t mind being immortal though. There are all sorts of awesome people around but it would suck if the human race went extinct and u were just there with nobody to talk to. I just want to be like Betty White. Old, happy, accomplished, and admired…and rich.
I Have bipolar 1. I’v made numerous attempts at suicide, last one in Jan. 2022. 8 days on respirator, 5 more in hospital. The doctors twice told my wife that I was going to die. Sent to intense out patient therapy, and have recovered because of it. I am on Lamictal (lamotrogine) and lexapro. I have been syptom free since Jan 19th 2011. I see my shrink monthly and mt therapist twice monthly. They say I am in remission, thank GOD.
@boer58 its great the lamactil is working i too are in remission if you can call it that…i had an interesting discussion with my shrink about medications he wants to get me off alprazolam he said its a sticking plaster i said so is lamactil should i stop that too game set and match i said im happy with my current regeme its working and after two years of a mixed bag mostly bone crushing depression like u let me die im finally doing sad you have a short time to mister miles hope you arnt too frightened anytime you want to talk it would be a privlage to chew the fat email me anytime just put your user name in the subject line i sence you have very strong opinions thats a good thing it means you have a strong mind you sound a bit pissed off though….mind you so would i if drinking gives you peace why not
@ let me die litium works for some people i found it disgusting same with sodium valporate and tegretol lamotrigine is the best for depression i couldnt get out of bed now i run up a mountain and im back surfing i still have social anxiety but im in cbt for that.bear in mind the pills only take the top off the highs and alot off the lows it doesnt control it 100% but its a hell of alot better..good luck with the pdoc try and get the best out of him by being brutally honest they arnt mind readers if you tell him about the half hearted attempt he will take you more seriously
I’m with Letmedie 100%, also hit it spot on with the whole how difficult it can be to get normal stuff done and whatnot. Especially if you’re going through depression |:
@Molly if only I could live next to a beach!! I live in the middle of …. Minnesota …. dark, gloomy, cold, dull, bare, cold, and dark. I Need to move.
Taulidpiaf our bech house is three hours away we dont live there i live in the city but its the four to seven days when we go there that keeps me going.depression is a ***** to break out of i never thought i would but things are better at the moment.i still suffer from anxiety and i hate p doc wants to take me off them but i dont want too i think they are the glue that holds me together..