I’m guessing that religious talk is frowned upon here cuz not everybody has the same beliefs. Guess ill find out if this post gets removed, but… I really wish someone had an answer for me… Do all suicides go to hell…???
I’m guessing that religious talk is frowned upon here cuz not everybody has the same beliefs. Guess ill find out if this post gets removed, but… I really wish someone had an answer for me… Do all suicides go to hell…???
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I believe in a merciful God. I find is hard to believe in a God that doesn’t understand the pain we’re going through.
I really hope I’m not offending any1 with this Q and I hope this post stays up long enough to comfort me. This is very important to me… I want to believe in that too with all my heart, but… Then my mind thinks that suicide is a way of saying that a person doesn’t trust enough in God to pull him through his pain… Especially when the pain is as pitiful as mine…
Sometimes when I do something wrong, it’s not because I hate God. Not because I want to make a stand against him. I just get lost in myself.
I think this is similar. It’s not that we lose trust in God, when we’re feeling suicidal. It’s that we become so engrossed in our pain. I’ve always had a religious background, and I think that some religious people who don’t know what it’s like to be so down, just judge people who feel suicidal and say they’ll go to hell.
I’m not saying it’s ok to kill yourself. It never is, whether you believe in God or not. But it is understandable why people do, and so God must understand as well.
Just no preaching really…
I think it’s allowed to talk about religion in that how it may have helped you or not, etc. Never over doing it….
I myself am agnostic( meaning wussy atheist basically ). But even if there was a God I find it hard to believe some all powerful being who created all hate you( isn’t he supposed to love or w/e? ) and send you to some place like hell just because you couldn’t stand life. Seriously? This all knowing all powerthing thing is going to be mad or angry? Doesn’t seem very evolved to me, but eh.
Good Q. and I say Halal got it down. Except I don’t know if it is ever ok or not to kill yourself…I can’t judge that. Don’t think it’s always the best choice is all.
Iv tried so many different resources to make piece with this Q, but so many contradicting theories exist. I dunno if getting so low and lost while losing trust in God so much to become a murderer of yourself is ultimately like blasphemy of the Holy Spirit… Then again, I don’t even know if I am a child of God. I was baptized as an infant in the catholic religion. Once I was a teen I got rebaptized as a born again Christian, but… There’s a lot of background to that story… Ultimately we can say (although I was driven to something good) I did it out of a sense of bargining… I guess no1 knows where they’re going when they die whether its by their own hand or otherwise, but… I just wish I knew where suicide stands in the religious skeem of things…
I am trying to avoid preeching, BTW… I guess I am too lost to preach anyway… More just Qs
Dunno how to say this but, I think you go to hell if suicide occurs.
I think the suicidal thing is a sign of weakness.
Life is a test, and I am pretty sure that I have not passed, at all !
I have been suicidal for 6 years, since I was 14. I have done the cutting and pill overdose severeal times.
There are not 1 day, without thinking of suicide . !
dont worry about hell, u are in one now when u die u will be free like i said to the other one read journey of souls Michael Newton
I believe in God a great deal, and I’ve read that of you ask a priest or a preacher if you can commit suicide and he says yes, I believe you can go to Heaven. I believe that if you do enough good in your life and believe in the Lord, and you can’t live with the pain any longer, I think He will accept you into Heaven. That’s my beliefs though. I’m Christian.
I don’t believe in Heaven or in Hell – I don’t believe in ay sort of God; I don’t believe in being reborn, I don’t believe in life after death; I don’t believe in anything that I can’t see. What do I believe is that death isn’t an escape – it’s a way of passing off your problems on to others – and if you feel that your God would condone that, then good for you.
i think of this often too. Part of me says you do go to hell, but sometimes i try not to belive it. I think if your saved and stuff, then you’ll go to heaven. I dont know. i think about this all the time though.
I’m an atheist so I have no such concerns. My advice is not to worry about what’s going to happen to you if you kill yourself, but instead think about what you might miss here on earth. Even if you feel unhappy today, who says you won’t feel differently tomorrow? I often feel suicidal, but hope and curiosity keeps me going. It’s like being on a boring journey but seeing a bend in the road ahead, and just having to know what is around that bend. Everytime I get there it’s boring again, but there’s another bend ahead, so on I go.
There is no hell.
I gotta say that I am a believer and recognise a heaven and hell… That doesn’t mean I consider myself a good Christian. I’m sad that iv let myself become this weak… Sad enough that Iv sought beyond the trust in God to stop the pain… It’s overwhelming… So consuming, in fact, that it trumps any curiousity of wut the future holds or even the selflessness to avoid hurting others with my final decision. I just pray that God can b understanding enough…
God works in strange ways, whats to say that suicide is not the ending that God chose for you?
Heaven and hell. It’s all a load of nonsense. Even religious people don’t really believe in that crap, they just say they do to look like good people. Only people who have been brainwashed at a very young age e.g suicide bombers genuinely believe in that crap because they are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for their belief. If people were really convinced that heaven existed then why do they fear death so much.
if you arent in hell already.. yes.. all of them do go to hell.