I’m nineteen years old and a music major at a University. My parents have been going through a divorce. Everything was fine until my mother’s new friends starting urging her to be more forceful about it. So she filed for a restraining order so that my dad wouldn’t be able to see my little brother. The hearing was just this Wednesday. It was fixed. My father’s lawer didn’t say anything or do anything helpful. The only people called to testify were those who were testifying against my dad. No one got to testify on his behalf. So obviously he lost the case. They flat out lied on the stand too. They said that my dad was dangerous and did all these things like yell at us and scare us. He never did any such thing! My own grandfather (mother’s father of course) flat out LIED! The thing he said he witnessed were impossible because he couldn’t have possibly been there. After the trial I went down to see my mother but when I saw those evil people who’ve been corrupting my mother all I could say was “What the fuck?” And one of them lied right to my face and said “I did not testify” She did! She did testify and it was all a bunch of bullshit! I guess I should mention that with my dad out of the picture, my mother’s friends would be able to take his job out there. Those people haven’t worked a day in there lives. They’re a bunch of hicks out in the country. My dad’s staying with a friend now and one of them said that my dad’s friend’s house wasn’t a safe place for Ryan to visit. Have I mentioned that right next door to my mom’s friend’s trailor is a pedafile? He molested his daughter. Also, I’ve been in my mother’s friend’s trailor. The place is a shit hole with mountains of crap stuffed in one of the rooms. Oh, and they haven’t have electricity and running water for I think 4 years. They have it now, but only because my dad spent hours digging a well, and setting up a power line for them. If my father’s lawyer would’ve called any one of us to the stand who were for my dad. We could’ve told them all of this. But he didn’t. And now my mom’s friends want to keep me away from her. My own mother! One of them said they’d call the cops on me if I didn’t go away. They kept telling my mom that she couldn’t talk to me. They said I didn’t know my dad. I’ve been living with him my whole life. I do know my dad. Right now he’s on his way out of state for a job that he shouldn’t be doing because he’s older now, but he needs money so that he can pay for councelling so he’ll be able to see my brother again. Where is the justice? I want my mom back, and my home. I don’t even have anywhere to go when I move out of the dorms for the summer. I want my dad to be happy like he was before this. So my dad’s gone. Mom’s gone. Can’t see my brother because he’s with my mom, so is my beloved dog. I’ve lost my home. I’m distracted from my studies so my grades are suffering. I don’t even have anyone to talk to here at the college. I don’t have many friends. More aquaintences you know. I don’t have anything anymore. No hope no home no family. I’ve struggled with suicidal thoughts for years and this has been ripping me apart. And I’ve had something awful happen to me almost exactly a year ago. I can’t say it. I can’t think it. It was just awful and something that shouldn’t have to happen to any girl. What do I have? Where do I have to go to?
Hi there,
First of all, you sound like you love your dad quite a lot…he already can’t see his son; can you imagine what it would be like for him if he never got to see you again?
I know first hand how it is to have a mom who wants to have nothing to do with you, yet meddles and seems to somehow manage to still ruin your life. In fact, I also know what it’s like to have a mom whose friends encourage that behavior. But realize (at least it sounds like) your dad is working on fixing the problem by trying to afford counseling.
Know that I’m in the same boat as you right now emotionally. I feel that this pain is not worth it, but it’s my own dad and my own brother that keep me pulling through. Let alone the fact that I know that my life won’t always be like this if I don’t let it.
Try and separate yourself from your mom as best as you can. I know she’s your mom, but it seems that she’s really only causing problems in this case. A little bit of optimism will do wonders for you in the long run.
Please just know that people do love you and want you to live. The past is the past, and some of us are dealt some pretty worthless and shitty cards. But play another few rounds and I really think things will start to turn around for you.
Best of luck to you,
i just wanted to tell you some thing that might maybe help you out,
when my mom found out she was pregnant with me my dad got scared and walked out on us. he was 15 so he was scared and didnt know what to do , he did come back a week later and tried to take care of me but my mom kicked him out, in the hospital when i was born was my mom, my best friend Tyler, his mom and my grandma, i have seen notes in my babybook from my mom to the doctors telling them not to let my dad in that he was abusive and will try and kid nap me, my dad spent 13 years searching for me day and night and one summer when we were living in a hotal he found our old house as we moving the rest of our stuff out that day, luckly my step dad was there and talked to my dad, when my mom found out she was flipping out saying how he will kid nap me and he hits me and all these other bullshit lies, i grew up with thinking that my dad tried to kill me , didnt want me, left me, and didnt care about me, 15 years later i get to meet him, he was nothing like my mom said. i know how you feel with this stuff. ill be 16 in 6 days and the only thing i have been wishing for my entire life is just ONE daddy daughter dance for my 16 birthday, but i know it wont happen because my mom, idk where my dad is or how he is doing, but i do know that i regret nothing that has happen to me becuase i believe everything happens for a reason, ive been depressed and have been cutting for years, ive tried to commit suicide but failed, but im getting better know , you wanna know my secret way that helps me. just keep thinking…what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. you are going to turn out to be so strong and not let anyone bring you down , all you need is to believe in yourself and you’ll make it along way. i would say follow your heart but thats not what anyone should do, you need to guard your heart,
Good luck,
feel free to email me if you need to talk about anything !
Good dads are suckers – take i from me – I like to think I am a good dad. Good dads believe in “the system” of truth honor and justice … and we get screwed repeatedly for taking the high road.
and why do we do it? for our kids – when the whole world is a screed up mess and no one plays by the rules, the good dad will rise above and always do the right thing – no matter how much it hurts him … he does this to protect his children form more hurt and harm and to set an example of choosing to do the right thing.
My daughter was told similar things about how I was horrible and mean and how I didn’t “want” her and how I abandon her etc. Even though I was able to see her every other weekend – it’s almost impossible to fight the daily barrage of lies she was told – the only thing a good dad can do to prove himself is his actions … today my daughter is a mother and me a grandpa … and finally she sees me for what I have always been … and her mother for what she is. and would you believe that now that she thinks her mom is an ass – I STILL counsel her to not do anything that will permanently damage her relationship with her mom? … how’s that for taking the high road … defending a woman who made my life miserable so that my kid doesn’t harbor hated and spite towards her mom eve though she really has every right to.
Parents are people – they are not perfect. most everything we do is with our children in mind – some good some bad and sometimes by mistake. give us a little bit of a break, kids don’t come with an instruction manual
sacrifice dawg