Am I ugly? I’ve been told I hate the feeling when people point out my flaws… That what makes me cut. When I know I’m not pretty enugh for guys I cut my writs and legs,but this time I cut a little part of my face. I cryed and cryed till my step dad got home… On my walk I thought about killing myself… But I won’t do it… I’m to scared to kill myself. So that the good news for now, I gues. Why can’t there be a guy that will think I’m beautiful?
its them that has the problem not thinking your beautiful!!!
please watch that video!
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” Eph. 4:7
I know it sounds horribly cliched but beauty isn’t just your appearance. Also, cutting your body certainly won’t help if you’re concerned with your looks! So please don’t.
You sound quite young, and you need to realise most teenage boys are going to be hung up on some ideal of beauty that they’ve been fed by the media and internet. It can be difficult at that young age for boys and girls to make a meaningful connection via their personalities. It’s a very torrential period in a person’s life. Even if you make a strong connection with someone, it could be gone in a few months. The upshot of the rapid changes young people face is when one door closes another opens.
In regards to people pointing out your flaws, well, I won’t sugar coat it. Everyone has flaws. You, me, and the people who point out yours. As you gain experience you will learn to deal with negativities like that.
Your suicidal thoughts are simply negativity building up. You just need to find someone to talk to, or even just vent like you have on this site.
Take care.
Hi Kyra 227,
This may sound hard to believed but i really think “EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL” and “Beauty that comes from within last, than the temporary external”
You see, some people like to point out our flaws when they themselves have a lot you may not see or know. People will say something about us wether it’s good or bad. I guess in this harsh world we just have to learn that negativity is part of living and what makes us stronger to be positive.
Plus just because that person says about your flaws doesn’t mean other people see the same thing. Don’t mind them and focus on loving yourself 🙂 I find that people who like to point out other people flaws have got a lot to hide about them and in order to divert that is by them minding others instead on themselves. Cheer up! You’re not UGLY! 🙂
Thank you so much I feel better already 🙂
I feel the same way. I use to cut. I don’t anymore because I promised my bf I wouldn’t. Yes, I have a bf. But he isn’t nice to me. In fact, he tells me he doesn’t really find me attractive. He says I do have attractive qualities but he isn’t super attracted to me. He says my personality isn’t attractive either. He lives with me. He is sick of me. I don’t have a job yet. I am so tired of living.
I’m sorry ur bf isn’t the nicest but I think u could do way better!! And u seem like a very nice person, I mean like ur helping people just by commenting ur feelings. 🙂
There will be a guy that will tell you that you’re beautiful because he wont be just any other guy it will be a real man that has some sense unlike most man that see beauty on the out.
As the last person has said most teenagers follow the media- which is incredibly bias. But there will be a person that will tell you want your like. You are beautiful, and i can tell because of the pain your in. And only the ones which feel the pain, and suffer know what life is life. They know right and wrong, they are good peopl. That is what matters.
Smile for me please lyra i believe you’ve forgotten how. Smile for me and find what the emotion is like to truly live. There will be a time you will smile, and that will be the time that you will believe that things will get better, but know for now they will.
We’re here if you need us.
I feel exactly the same.
I hate that feeling!!! :/
kyra, i know you don’t want to here it from me, a person who sees you everyday. and you’d rather hear it from someone else like that special guy or someone you’ve just met. but you are beautiful. and I’m jealous of your look…
dont be.