I need someone to talk to about how I have been feeling. I have tried reaching out to my boyfriend and he simply does not understand. I know that life will never get better and I feel trapped, helpless, and hopeless. I need to talk to someone who feels the same way so that I know that I am not alone.
hey cbrown. i’m sorry you feel so bad right now.:( but you’re definitely not alone,and your not hopeless,even though I know it feels that way. what’s going on? maybe we can help. I feel pretty trapped and helpless right now too.:( but it won’t last forever for either of us.
I just feel like I will never be happy and that life will never get better for me and I am so tired of just living day by day knowing and dreading that things will never be okay for me. I feel like I am just not destined to be happy. I want a way out, but I cant kill myself because I have people who depend on me and who I love deeply. So I am just trapped, there is absolutely no way out of this labyrinth for me. I have suffered 14 years of traumatic experiences and life is only getting worse.
my email should be seen by you when i comment. feel free to email me. i will listen.
how old are you?(you said you’ve been struggling for 14 years,but is that how old you are?) i really do believe that things can get better for all of us. i know that sounds annoying to ppl sometimes because they say “you don’t know what your talking about” but we’re so young. there is just so much ahead! why do you think things never improve? and just cause you sound like you need one,*hug*
I am 21 and though I am not going through a traumatic experience now, I have had more than my fair share in the past (starting 14 years ago) and its the memories that get to me. So to distract myself I have developed a myriad of anxiety disorders including PTSD, GAD, and Panic disorder, as a coping mechanism. I am currently on meds that tread the panic and GAD so I no longer have my coping mechanism and my distraction from those awful memories.
Hey I’m sorry you feel so bad. It’s hard when you feel trapped I get that I’ve felt trapped a lot if you wanna talk just email me that whould mean a lot to me.
Let your boyfriend distract you from your sadness with happiness. Some people aren’t in your life in order to help you solve your problems but to distract you from them. Make him smile and let him return the favor.
If you can’t die, then you need to change your attitude towards life. Because if you’re not going to be alive during your lifetime, you might as well not be here. Life is too long to be boring. Enjoy it (work on be happy taking little steps, enjoying small things, making the ones that depend on you smile).
hi panda! 🙂 lol
I had a tough childhood too…i still have bad dreams sometimes. 🙁 21 is still young,you are two years older than me. i’m struggling with kind of the same thing i guess,maybe PTSD? I’m in a safe environment now but it feels like i’ll never be the same as I was before no matter where I go. but i guess…i’m holding on to hope that things will get better. theres nowhere to go but up,you know? you are free from your bad experiences now. i think in time,and with help,hopefully we’ll both heal.
the scars will fade,so to speak.