Rivers of salt and disparaged thoughts
tears filling the wells of eyes
lost the desire to will
lost the desire to live
no love left here
only me
I detest me
I detest me
Kill me
Kill Me
I kill me
I kill me
the darkest is not always the best
the light is so far away now
red eyes piercing my skin
gaunt and laughing at the hollowness
I am an idiot
I am a fool
I am all the things that I hate
I am nothing worthwhile
I am not meant for this world
I am not anything at all
I am devoid of soul, spirit and life
I am death and the darkness inspired
there is no light in me anymore
malevolent transformation complete
benevolence was a nice phase
I loved to play that game
it just wasn’t me
I was made to bleed
I was made to suffer
and bleed
worthwhile smiles shunning my existence
blank faces is all I reflect
the sun is my gift to you
though it’s never been mine
I have nothing to offer
nothing to offer you my love
there is a valley where I laid love down
I crawled my way up the mountainside
then peering down at my love I saw that I had no reason to return
there was nothing there but a black circle in field of life
the circle was that space in which my love once filled
now that i’m this high
I can see how low i’ve stooped
balance is maintained