Back in August, ,my sweet younger brother was diagnosed with complication of the intestine. He was then due to constantly have to have bowel movements from a colostomy bag and eat trough a tube. This boy, until then, had collected a teaching degree and was on his way to gradutate with a nursing degree that peaked his interest due to his own illness. Brilliant as he was , knowing the civil war inside and out, a plethora of friends,a beautiful but down to earth girlfriend,no one saw it coming. ONe moring he checked himself out of the hospital, went to my stepfathers and took a loaded shot gun and ended his life. My mother eventually found him. Do we say this is selfish the way others do about people who just “can’t handle life”? I don’t …but I do believe whether physical or mental pain is enough, I have only suffered the latter andt its pain for me regardless. The only escape is out…drs try to feed you medication and therapy or ECT’s hoping they make some breakthrough and with some it works….their depression lifts regardless of the cards they are dealt…but depression stays with some…it stays on a glorious day, it is there on the day of your child’s birth, wedding’s, first snowfall…you can’t escape it. They say think of five things for every depressing thought you may have…I listen to the music playing, I am surrounded by my mother in law who I adore, I wait for my husband to come home….and it stops. Three out of five isn’t bad…
Sorry for the loss of your dear brother.
Scant consolation for those left behind but the ones who choose death feel that is the best choice at the time.
And like life, some are saved and some are not.
At least you have found reasons to make you live.
I am sorry. I have a similar problem with my intestine so I have to keep taking steroids to stop it getting worse. Gary Speed was a premiership footballers who had a family, everything anyone could ever want. He hung himself. I have tried to compare myself to others. What they say is not the way I describe it so, I don’t know. There are lots of reasons and it would just be guesswork to try and analyse why your brother did what he did.