I am a burden on everyone that I love, and it would be best if I wasn’t around at all to bother anyone anymore.
I am a burden on everyone that I love, and it would be best if I wasn’t around at all to bother anyone anymore.
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Not true, cbrown. Please don’t value your life based upon everyone else… It’s important for you to make decisions that benefit YOU… that let you grow, learn, and move forward. By helping yourself you can truly help others. Don’t let someone else destroy you. You’re too important for that.
If you don’t like being a burden then change that. Help around the house, make your friends laugh and forget their problems, get a job, volunteer, and stop being a negative person (people dislike that the most (I am guilty of this so I know)). My spoiled adult brother is a terrible burden on my family but we put up with him because we love him. I wish he was more like you though! 😉
hey cbrown. you sound a lot like me-i’ve always been so hard on myself and thinking that i’m a burden to everyone,and i’ve been so self critical,i hold myself to a standard way higher than i would hold anyone else to. your family loves you,your a blessing in their lives. but trust me-their lives would have a huge hole in them if you weren’t there-because there’s a spot in all of their hearts reserved specifically for you,and the pain of losing someone you love is always with us. i bet you could do anything.just stay strong okay? please don’t give up. i’m here if you want to talk.