Just today one of friends told my other friend that she was ugly, fat, a hoe, obnoxious, and that she should just die. My friend was at home when she got called those disgusting names and was told that rude comment,plus she had the flu and she felt awful. Of couse she got the message on facebook the one place where you can talk trash to somebody without them phisically hurting you. I stood up for my friend because we are best friends aand just because I’m friends wih the other girl neverr meant that I had to agree with her. In fact I called her out on her actions and told her that we aare learning about bullies in school and how peoople can die from the mean comments people can say. I am telling my guidance counslor tomorrow and I want things to be settled out. And just what. If my friend decided to die I wouldn’t be happy id probably die 2 because I can’t stand a day without her she is super nice. To all the people out there who think that cyber bullying isn’t a big deal. It really is it hurts a lot more than you’d ever know.
I don’t wish heartache on anybody…. But I do wish the bullies and cyber bullies would know what it felt like to be tortured by bullying regularly. It does hurt…. and the stories about it never end.
Sometimes I think it is a good think to be isolated. I went through elementary school, middle school, and high school, not dealing with any of this bulling crap. I don’t know if it is because I simply went to school with wonderful people, because I treated everyone kindly, or because I did not associate myself with weak insecure problematic people. I don’t know how insulting someone and spreading hate can make you feel good. I highly doubt it does and yet still people do it.