goiin’ to try to make this concise: i want to change, can anyone tell me ofany reallifestories that involving a transformation of a changed person, its really hard to explain , ecspecially when im tryng to be concise. HOW can i convince myself that i have the right to become a totally changed [for the better ] person? [not so extremly strange, freakis, but total realization of who i want to be, and able to express myself for the first real time [all through school i didnt talk..cntinued,.see cmments…
You have the right but the question is why? Why change who you are? Change the people around you who make you feel like its you instead because if people want you to change they’re not good company.
i know but i am not changing who iam, but changing what was holding me back from being myself and leading a normal life, i absolutely dont want to change who i am though
Well then yes you can and you have every right.
…story continued…[[]]]]]: ït was obviously that i was percieved as ‘strange ‘ because of my selective mutism all through sch[till highschool] …i am wondering ,in oder order to change, ihave to accept the past and forgive my selfand fnot let the ” stigma” disable me, how would i do that????
Of Course You Have the Right to, Im Sure Your Not Strange, Just Misunderstood and Neglected Because You Were Hiding Your Self, They Didnt Realize What An Essence You Were Stifling, Be Yourself, Dont Fear The Worst, Embrace Your Fear, It Makes You Stronger. Just Open Up and More Individuals Will Open Up To You.
[ its like a social ptsd]…thankyou so much everyone for listening, you have no idea whatthis means to me.
Well the past is past for a reason and you can always be different today than you were yesterday. I highly recommend the essay “Self Reliance” by Emerson because it really captures how to be true to yourself. There will be people who won’t be able to forget and will likely never let you be someone new but when you encounter those people you need to remember that it is their problem and not yours. Their lack of understanding can’t stop you from doing what is right for you. And how to overcome is going to be different for everyone but the first step is simply to believe you can and then to make that change. And have faith that you are going to be okay.
wow that actually helped alot thnkyou :] :]
Yep change can be good if your on a downturn. When spin legend Shane Warne needed to take a wicket he would often change his delivery leg break, googely, flipper, top spin etc.