Physical pain isn’t that bad what really messes a person up is emotional or mental pain. I started cutting again and I’m going to burn my wrists again to night i’m scared of myself and i don’t know what to do i want to overdose or poison myself. i just need help. from some one or any one. i’m desperate to stop myself from doing the unthinkable. Well unthinkable to regular boring people. well that’s all i have to say at the moment if you want to help just reading comments calms me down and makes me think less of death and pain.
I can relate to that. I can take the physical pain. I can manage it, no matter how much it hurts. But the mental/emotional pain…well I guess I never really learn how to deal with it. I suppose that’s why I turned to self-harm……
Hmph. the unthinkable? it’s only the unthinkable because so many people are afraid of death… oh well their loss. its a part of life. Might as well embrace it….just my opinion.
hey lenkagamine3312. do you want to talk? i understand the self loathing,i’m a recovered(ing) anorexic. you aren’t alone in feeling the way you do. just know that okay? we care about you too.