I feel like I’m on the edge of a breakdown of some kind. And I’m terrified and I can’t tell anyone. I just sit around and sleep all day, too tired to do anything productive, but I’m still tired. My room’s a mess and I hate it, but I just can’t find the energy to tidy it properly. I keep trying to study for the exams I have coming up, but that just scares me and makes me cry uncontrollably for no apparent reason. And I think that sooner or later I will break apart and I don’t know what to do. My indifference to nearly everything must end at some point and when it  does, I have no idea what will happen. I’m really, really just scared of myself and what I might potentially do to myself and others. And I’m lost and I’m stuck and I’m really afraid.
I too have been fearing a breakdown lately, just keep posting, It’s the only thing that has helped me, It will help u too!!
omg im like in the same position, i have exams anyday now and ibarely studied an told my mom i did, fml i feel so sick ,my life stressful enough, it always has been. no one really knows the pain i feel evryday