Tomorrow at 3 inthe morning Alberta time I have to face oneoff my worse fears…me and my family r flying to Ontario and I have a deathly fear of planes.. I’ve heard to many bad things about them. But we r flying to Ontario our flight leaves at 7 in the morning butim scared to go through security and to get on the plain.. My moms bf says that the plane istotally safe but im still scared to go on the plane idk wat to do…Knowing me ill probably freak out… Im scared to be on one airplane with lots of people idk…. Â idk wat to do!!..
We all have fears, and as horribly stressed as you feel now, you will no doubt feel amazing once you’ve done it. Its ok to feel afraid but just because you are going to think the worst thing possible will happen, doesnt mean it will. Fear over takes logic. I’ll pray for you to have a safe flight! Hang in there.
is it the people? the enclosed space? or the height/plane?
what i always found weird was, i’m deathly afraid of heights – but I LOVE to fly – actually it’s pretty boring – but I love looking out the windows – it’s like being on a satellite watching the earth go by in miniature – mesmerizing.
sky dawg
Twice I sat next to someone like you on a plane, they were freaking out.
And would grab onto me every time the wind blew. :]
I love that about plane journeys. Strangers are your friends for a few hours. I looked after her kid whilst she had a panic attack, and all was good in the end.
It passed. It was over.
Remember, whatever you are feeling, is just a feeling, a wave of energy, which will pass! it will pass, it won’t last forever, and it is much smaller than it feels, just a small annoying feeling which is taking over your whole body and mind.
Everything will be ok.
I’m not scared of flights, because I am in lalaland. I actually like flights, besides not being able to smoke, I once was flying for over 30 hours (with a stopover, but was trapped in a small room and couldnt smoke indoors) and I panicked big time, I had a panick attack, and cried and cried and told them to take my suitcases off the plane and wanted them to leave me stranded in an unknown country just to be able to go outside for a cigarette and air – but I came to my senses. And eventually I got to my destination, and boy was that cigarette good!
Good luck, watch all the films, panick a bit if needed, let your feelings ride, but know, you will be ok, hell try to enjoy it. talk to strangers, actually ignore them, observe them, look at the clouds, the world, i mean, when else do you get to be in the sky? and eat all the plane food.
Statistics show you’re more likely to get killed by a falling coconut than by a plane crash. Relax. I’ve been on plenty of planes here and there. Oh and if i were you, I’d take a book or an ipod. And food. Definitely food. Without a distraction, airplanes are as boring as hell.
I hate it when they put coconut trees in planes …
“we have clearance, Clarence.”
‘joey, have you ever been to a turkish prison?” ~ Captain Ovuer – Airplane! (1980)
flight dawg
The hights dont bug me at all i love being high up in the air its all the people i dont know and being in a inclosed area for 6 hours.. I have my iPhone to lielten to music and watch movies but im still scared to go on especially through security… Thats another fear people cant touch me, if people do touch me i freak ans ill have to touch where they touched or it feels like their still touching me but we all have to get ober our fears sooner or later.. Im 13 and most people tell me to suck it up and thata im a baby for not wanting to go on a air plane…