It’s not your fault, it’s mine. For thinking you were everything you’re not. I set such high expectations for you, and you turned out to be totally different from what I thought. And…. it’s not you I should blame, it’s not you I should be angry at. It’s me, because I built this fantasy in my head, I turned your personality into what I wanted it to be, when in reality that’s not YOU. You did nothing wrong, you were just being you. And I was just being me… setting expectations that people, and myself, are bound to fail.
straight to the point and 100% right.
We are who we are. and those that pretend to be something else for someone would sooner or later turn back to what they really are and drop there mask of illusion. and when we believe someone to be something they are not we hold mask of illusion to them.
What you write is something that’s hard for me to face yet I know and knew it to be true. I do not know if I could accept it because I wan’t people to change what wrong about them if they close to my heart and their troubles cause me stress otherwise I can’t deal with them normally. I’m unable to sacrifice myself like I once did.
glad you post this.
Sounds like something my friends would say to me.
People often say I’m the kind of person that lights up a room by flicking a switch.
I believe we are all really Thetans.