Knives are put in the back, words are said, it all comes back to me and now I’m left alone. It always happens, yet I keep trying to convince myself that it will be different next time. But this time I know that it won’t. I now realize that I’m just a stupid seventeen year old trying to see this world for something it’s not… good. I’m done this time. I’m not going to pretend anymore. I’m just going to be little old forever alone me and forget that I ever had so called friends and family… it’s the only way
1 comment
Sorry panda it sucks but happens to us all. For most people you are only worth their time if you do more for them then they have to do for you. If someone seems to be high maintenance or require more energy then we are willing to spare then we get tired of that person pretty quick. Unless the high maintenance person is pretty special and we get a lot in return from them it’s not worth it. I guess not everyone is like this but I would say most are. being alone isn’t so bad as long as you enjoy your own company.