After i asked her out my life got worse, because she told the school counselors about all my depression stuff, and that i tried to kill myself the night before and right before her and her friends told the counselors i told them when i want help I’LL get it but no i had to spend two fucking hours with some annoying old people wanting to know about my business (again).  then right when i saw tayler (the girl from before) i cussed her out and asked her why the F*** did she do the one thing i asked her not to do i just ugh it was like seriously i guess this is what i get for talking to stupid bitches sure they wanted to help but it just made everything worse the office people completely destroyed my locker looking for razor blades that i left at home that day thank god jeez but it was in between classes so a bunch of people saw them and tayler and her hoes were with the office people so everyone kept asking what was going one who’s locker was that. and then i get people asking me if i was a crazy psycho person and it made me feel like trash and like i was dumb for actually trusting people so i cut a sh*t tone that night and cried myself to sleep hoping some one would bust through my window and shoot me in the head. the next day my mom gets a call from my aunt saying um so McKenzie Cross was at my house and she told be some stuff that is going on at school with brandon and pretty much told my mom all the junk that was going on plus some rumors. my mom and dad yelled at me for like 30min telly me how much of an idiot i am and blah blah blah and then my mom came in my room asked to see my wrist and then i showed her and you know what she did she laughed and left the room i think that hurt the most and so i cut more that night and cried myself to sleep again, i went to school and a bunch of people just stared at me all day and asked if every thing was true and i really was crazy and then random 6th graders would make fun of me and call me the psycho kid and i just wanted to die so bad. i had no one i just wanted to close my eyes and hope it would all be gone and ever since i cried myself to sleep for 1-2 weeks i can’t cry any more and i have pretty bad scars. and a F***ed up head but then i moved and felt like it was a fresh start and i stopped cutting because my razor blades were packed and i didn’t think about it to much but now im alone again the only thing that really makes me happy is talking to  people, no one here really likes me because im quiet and from a redneck town.i just don’t know what to think any more i don’t know who i am what im doing if i am making the right choices i get weird thoughts like what if every thing i have been told is a lie and all this is fake and im actually dreaming or playing some game for the amusement of other people or what if im already dead but i went to hell. well whats positive about all this i learned people don’t like it when you cut yourself ? i honestly think nothing good happened i still cut even more actually and i still burn myself and i either can’t sleep or sleep too much. i start school in a week and i already hate everyone. I hate everything.
Lenka, dude, bro, yo… You’re perfectly aware of yourself, now so is everyone.
Now that you’ve told the Internet your shit, I highly recommend you apologize a LOT to Taylor for caring about you so much she wanted you to stop hurting, period.
I think you know that, and that’s why you’re here, to see if it’s true that the world is full of complete strangers that give a damn or two about your pain. Yeah, even I care.
Why? Because love is real, man. Stay real. Be nice. Peace.
thanks, i apologized to tayler and she said “it’s okay i for give you for making everyone hate me”. and then i remembered why i hate her, she is really selfish and she also cuts and doesn’t get help so why should she be getting me help when she doesn’t even help herself. i let her run my life and it was a mistake.
but tayler isn’t why im hear i was hear before her i just took a little brake to settle into my new house and town 😐 but my pain runs much more deep than tayler, she just brought my pain to the attention of all the people who knew me at school but that is in the past i apologized to tayler but she didn’t really get what i was saying sorry for. so i just gave up on that. and she told people a bunch of lies mixed with the truth it got around that i even got mad one day and hit her. im not that type of person. when i was with tayler all i felt was pain and numbness. and i regret even getting involved with her.
Well, then you can help each other out then… Who else will?
people are assholes…….suport yourself by urself thats better……life sucks…..
yeah two of my friends have at least an idea of what goes on in my corrupt mind. but only one of them knows completely why. they both love and support me anyway but all in all life does suck.