I feel so unwanted on this earth. I just want to curl up and die most of the time. IÂ get so angry for no reason and everyone excepts me to do so well in my final exams. I am under so much pressure. People always talk about me or tell me I am not good enough. There is always some sort of rumour about me like ‘She has Bulimia’ ‘She is a slut’ ‘She is a fat whore’ Why target me? I just want to die. Most of you are probably like ‘She has nothing wrong in her life. People are well worse off than her.’ But truth is.. You don’t know me
i understand. its not like theres some competition going on where the winner is the bigger loser or vice versa. you feel how you feel. and thats that. somethings can help you smile. some just make you want to disappear into thin air. all i can say is fuck other people and their stupid opinions. that is all it is. just opinions. dont let yourself become the target. they only keep doing it cause they know you care.
I hate it when others go out of their way to ruin someone else’s day. Being under pressure never helps either, I know this all too well. I understand, trailoroftears.
Are you in highschool? Because what people are apparently saying to you only sounds like highschool drama. Believe me once you get out of highschool you won’t give a fuck about any of those people nor will u ever even see any of those people ever again. When people make fun of others they do so to make themselves feel better because they are the ones who have problems. Next time you see them just say “hey, why don’t you just go fuck yourself”I believe that your not a slut you are just you. It doesn’t matter who you sleep with it is a part of our human nature to reproduce. My only concern for you is contracting some type of STD like HIV herpies warts syphilis… It’s all very real and very common so please, trust your partner and use a condom.I am 21 years old right now, and I’m in college. When I was 8 my dad died and in 9th grade of highschool my mom and grandma died of cancer and my grandpa died a few months later. So I was poor. I had no friends because I was “weird” I didn’t have parents to spoil me buy me nice clothes or buy me a car ( I stillcant afford my own car)As a result of being rejected and isolated I started smoking weed and drinking alcohol withthe wrong crowd of people.Now that I am older and more mature I abandoned my loser friends and now I see that they are all still bums killing themselves slowly with drugs and never going anywhere in life. I have never seen anyone from my highschool that was “too cool” to be my friend ever again. Now I’m just focusing on my future. I’m in college so that I will make money and have a good job alo g the way I have met 1000s of people at my college who are all mature enough to not start drama, call names or bully other people. That is lame, insecure highschool shit. So please cut those stupid people out of ur life do ur homework and try to go to a community college. Use resources at your school like teachers to help you prepare for college and apply for financial aid and don’t give a fuck about what any stupid little highschool girl or boy has to say about you.-Michele
Sorry this isn’t some really long paragraph but thank you 🙂 You are so nice haha. Yeah I am in high school and it’s not like i go around sleeping ith every guy I see. Just people say things you know. Then I have other things to worry about on top of that. It’s all just fucked up, you know? I hope everything goes okay with you. I am sorry to hear about your family <3 Much love.
I also wanted to address the bulimia issue too. If u are concerned about your weight try cutting out simple things out of your diet. My advice, never drink soda, EVER. It will make u fat. Don’t eat chips and stay away from French fries. Instead of an unhealthy snack like chips try saltines or oyster crackers. Eat meat but stay awake from pork and try to eliminate too much meat. I eat alot of bagles and peanut butter jelly sandwhiches, brakefast lunch and dinner I eat bagels instead of fattyfoods. Try veggie blended drinks to get nutrients. Also ask you parents to bake sweet potatoes for dinner. Just one will fill ur tummy and with alot of butter it tastes great 😀 ask ur parents to not buy unhealthy foods like chips and soda and always keep eggs in the fridge to cook even when it’s not brakefast. You don’t have to be bulimic to look healthy. Also try out a zumba class to see if that is a good exercise for ya 🙂
People think I have Bulimia because I am a ‘skeleton’ apparrently. Not because I am overweight, but thanks 🙂
Your #1 concern is studying and doing well on your finals. You’ve come this far so I think you’ll be fine in that regard.
“She has bulimia”….big deal. Lots of people do. They must be some terribly small-minded children if they don’t realize that.
“She’s a slut” – Just tell them no, you’re not a slut, you just like a lot of sex. And you can’t help it if people crave being with you! HA, LOVE IT!!!!
“She’s a fat whore”…..ahhh the famous “fat” slander. When all else fails, just call a girl fat and you’ve “won” the argument. Realize people use this word because they know it hurts. Only you know your body and health situation. I’m betting you’re probably not fat but not a size 0 either. Who the hell is??? Who the hell cares!!!! It’s your body and your business! Why are they so worried about your body and what you might be doing with it?
You concentrate on your education and getting the best grades you can. Let the children drown in their own stupidity, you’re going to be too busy reaching adulthood.