For the past year all I can think about is dying and killing myself. I have no confidence, I have social anxiety, everyone thinks I’m weird and annoying, I don’t think I’m pretty at all, no one likes me at home and I barely have any friends. I just wanna die and I’m always thinking to myself “maybe I should jump in front a car” and I’m always wishing for someone to just kill me already with a gun, knife, car, or anything cause I’m afraid to kill myself cause I don’t want people to think I’m selfish and stupid because what if I fail? I also don’t want my parents having to think its their fault and have them suffer the rest of their life so I don’t know anymore. I just hate my life and no one understands me at all. I just wish someone would kill me or I can die from a sickness already and this sounds so selfish of me but I just can’t with life anymore.
Let’s trade places.
I’m wealthy, respected, well liked by my friends, loved by my family yet feel the same way as you. Your problems I can fix, mine problem is intractable.
I too have been obsessing on wanting to die because I feel I can’t go on – for quite a while – due to tragic events in my life.
Yet I must say I realise so many people would be very happy with what I have. Not that that helps at all. Its just that I have known different. I want better and I cant get it. I cant get out of my situation. It suffocates me and who I am. It makes me feel trapped and I hate that. It makes my life unbearable. Though I wont go into all that I feel.
When we get down, then things each day get us more down. Its a spiral. We have to rise about that.
There are so many people who feel like you do and so many have different reasons – their own reasons but many feel like you do but my own situation makes me constantly feel like I want to die because I can’t live the way I want to.
If you do some reasearch there are people living in really horrific situations. There are people being killed and dying everyday.
SO if there is any possible way you can be content or happy – you must control your mind to do that.
I looked at all sorts of ways to end my life because I felt so devastated and it took up all of my time and energy until I could not eat, drink and only cried all the time.
Then people stop liking us because our negative energy brings them down so they shut us out. We are the only ones who can turn things around. There are those who felt the same and rose above it and write self help books and articles to help us.
We need to spend all our time trying to feel better and controlling our minds.
People cant be nice to us if we wont let them!
People cant cheer us up if we push them away, shut them out, expect them to be perfect.
People wont like us if we spend all our time complaining and only thinking of ourselves. We have to live as positively as we can and help to lift others up so they can live easier too.
Yes, feeling down, insecure, mildly depressed are normal. Grief and trauma are natural but we must move out of it and carry on.
Search constantly for links on how to live positively. There are really good links out there and share them with other people who also need to read them. Do that for yourself and other people. That is something you can do.
By torturing ourselves with constant negative thoughts we surround ourselves totally with a thick blanket of negativity until no light or joy can get in. We do this to ourselves. Yes life is difficult, but our thoughts make it more difficult. We have to control our thoughts.
Positive people will always find a way to both make themselves feel better and other people. They are easy to be around.
BUT THEIR LIVES ARE NOT EASIER – they just block out bad things and dont give negative thoughts power.
You are strong – you just have to believe it. We are what we think. We are what we do. We are what we eat. We are who we socialize with. We are in control. WE have to make good things happen.
When we obsess on negative thoughts – THEN WE ARE GIVING THEM POWER and by doing that we destroy our own joy.
Yes, BAD things happen to us, often for no reason. Its horrible but life is STILL sprinkled with good times and good moments. We have to recognize them and open up to absorb any good energy we can.
We have to snap out of it for US and those close to us. WE HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF IT!
Suffering breeds more suffering. Make it stop by controlling your life and your thoughts.
We can’t die before our time. We can try BUT REALLY it does not work and makes us feel worse. Many fail at ending it all and with horrible results. They keep trying but they are really torturing themselves. We are really abusing ourselves because we are unhappy. We have to allow ourselves to be happy. We have to give ourselves permission to be happy.
Very few of us actually want to die – we just want things to get better and WE are the ones that HAVE TO MAKE THEM BETTER for US!
The sooner we realise this the better.
We can’t live beyond our time either. This is something many of us feel – wanting to die or wanting to live. So much time wishing things were different.
There are those who are taken before their time and others who suffer terrible painful lives – much worse than us – how do they cope?
Still there are many who enjoy their lives or parts of it! Why is that.
Its all about attitude.
But in truth we have this life and its a gift so we have to turn things around so we can enjoy it.
We can spend all your time trying to find a painless way to die or trying to to
put an end to our life BUT that just makes every living moment hell.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT – no matter how bad things are – YOU ARE CURRENTLY NOT IN HELL. Don’t obsess on the bad things. Don’t torture yourself. Your mind is very powerful.
So many people who try ending it all – end up far worse and it does not succeed. Then they regret it and think they were not so bad off before. You cant turn back time. The past is over – forget it (Except happy memories) – you are here now – what can your do to make your life and other peoples lives easier and nicer.
THAT’S WHAT YOU NEED TO THINK OF and research all of your spare time.
BE A SHINING LIGHT in the dark for others and yourself.
Yes things are bad from our point of view. It seems unbearable if we obsess – just rather banish these thoughts.
Spend 100% of the time making yourself happy – even if other people don’t make you happy! It sounds difficult but there is no point in being your own worst enemy!
We have to like ourselves for other people to like us. We must not let our energy get low or we fall prey to negative thoughts.
Spend every moment trying to boost yourself so you can help others who feel low.
DO NOT even let yourself think about dying. It will only torment you.
When your spirits are low – you are more inclined to fall prey to these thoughts so make absolutely every effort to keep your spirits up.
Your mind is extremely powerful and you ARE what you think. This is how people rise above their situations. Do some research on remarkable people – Often they rose from terrible circumstances.
Use Google to find success stories and ways to be positive and share these with as many people as you can. Be a shining light to drive away dispair and darkness.
The best way to help yourself is to help others.
Spend all your spare time finding ways to be positive!
Also people are more inclined to help those with a postiive attitude
Unless your are absolutely terribly ill, totally disabled, absolutely dirt poor with not possible future (and even then people survive) There are people who are totally unable to enjoy any single part of life at all.
Otherwise you MUST block it from your life. Do only things you like, ignore anything that happens places you like. Elevate what you like to such a high level that you only think about things you like. Each time a negative thought comes into your mind, banish it.
Thinking about dying will only absorb your every thought and prevent you from enjoying anything. In time this will take negative effect on you and manifest in illness in your body. This is your LIFE!!! YOU are in control. Each day is a new day. Make the most of it. GET OUT THERE – let the co-incidences of life enrich you. But you have to be out there for it to happen. Listen to your inner voice.
Think about what you can change to make yourself happy and make others happy.
There are people out there who you will like and situations you will feel happy in.
Visualize what will make you happy! and make it happen!!! Visualising and actioning is the way to enjoy your life. Life is a gift.
Many of us feel trapped in situations that are not to our liking.
Often surrounded by people we can’t identify with.
We all need to find a way to get the best of life that we would enjoy. Try to concentrate only on things that you enjoy. Make lists of things you really like, places you want to go, the type of people you would like to me. Work on building your self confidence and liking who you are or change yourself so that you can like who you are.
Sometime we need to get out there and go somewhere new, do something new, change our image, do things we enjoy, meet new people.
Sometimes we need to change the way we look at things and block negative thoughts and force ourselves to see the good in everything and feel gratitude because so many others are worse off.
Doing good deeds is supposed to make us feel better.
We need to find a way to break out of that situation or come to terms with it and be ourselves regardless.
I think we do want to live but we don’t feel comfortable or able to live how we want to.
We are not surrounded by similar minded people.
We want to express ourselves but feel locked in.
We lack self confidence. We don’t know how to build self confidence as we feel broken down on a daily basis by events that happen.
Often we don’t have finances to live how we would chose to live.
Finding out how to like ourselves, change our attitudes to our situations, feel empowered to make the changes that would make us happy.
Certainly has a lot to say for herself
You’re a good person, just so you know.
However, you just seemed to be really depressed and hurting.
I have these very same thoughts in my own life and hate them. I tried killing myself last night, but it failed. I’ll be trying in the next couple of days to succeed.
If you need to talk to someone, email me.
you have to be a masochist to think life is a gift ..
if life truly is a gift, death has to be the ultimate reward
I’d rather get to the end ASAP
Jemma, I will try to keep everything you said in mind.
I have tried killing myself today, not my first attempt.
nothing feels right, and deep down i know, no matter how much things turn up. It never will feel right. I have given up and lost it all. I don’t have a social life, an outcast. My father tried to kill me thrice. He strangled me until i lost my consciousness. My mother doesn’t give a fuck to me. All she says is to get out of the house. But i have nowhere to go to. My best friend stopped talking to me because she is accepted by a cooler group now. My own brother even tried to rape me.
why should i live? i need a reason, desperate .
Plssss help me…its urgent
I juz can live anymore……iz there any ways to die??????plz tell me!!
is this site real, its my first time here what is this site for? today 20 children were murdered in ct, usa. it is very sad to hear this happening. christmas is almost here and i have no money, i have 3 beautiful daughters that i cant afford to feed let alone buy gifts for christmas. i lost my job in november i have terrible credit and im behind on my rent. i have tried so hard to make things good and i always lose everything. im not suicidal but im very ready to go. i have nothing to live for, i look forward to sleep so i can dream. my dreams are always better than the life i live. i am not emo i used to be happy. i live alone i dont have any friends anymore. my parents and siblings dont like me very much. my ex left me and took my children with her, its been 3 years. i dont leave my house, i lie in my bed all day long i live off pasta with no sauce, i am getting weak i have become very depressed. i lost my licence, my kids, their mother, my job, my friends and my family. i wont kill myself but i dont want to live this life anymore. i do hope the world ends soon but i know it wont. i hadnt cried since i was 14, im 30 now. i cried alot lately. i am going nowhere and i have pretty much just given up. ive slept on the streets, in the park, in apartment building laundry rooms. the worst part of my day is waking up, all i want to do is sleep and dream. im done, this christmas is the worst christmas ever. i dont have a tree, lights or any decorations. i used to be the most festive person you would ever meet. when my ex left with my kids everything went downhill. i have ocd, add, anxiety, i stop breathing in my sleep often as if god is making me suffer here. i wish i could buy my girls one last gift, give them one last hug and kiss and say goodbye. i cant even do that, i am truly sad. theres no help because i dont need help, i dont accept help and thats why this is it. i dont think people should ever think of dying or kill themself, i dont believe in suicide. my grandma took her own life and sleeping pills seemed like a silent peaceful way to go. i pray, i read the entire bible, i talk to god when im alone which is always. he doesnt listen, he doesnt care. there is no god anymore. so this is it, nobodys life is as bad and lonely as mine. ive done this for 3 years and now i choose to give up. you all have it better than someone in this world and can do better than you think. i can spell very well and can use good grammar, that doesnt help me in life. i love my children and will always love them, they will always deserve a better father than i am. i just want them to know how much i love them since the day they were born. they deserve a better christmas than i can give them. i love them so much they will be happier without me, i have never hurt them and i never would. i miss them terribly daddy loves you my angels and i will wait for you in heaven, merry christmas 2012.
Whoa sothisisit you got a raw deal. Hey folks, loveless seems to be the only active user mentioned on this page. Has everyone else journeyed-on to the great reward?