The look of a trapped animal inside of my pool cage (He accidentally flew in one night – and left without incident at first light – me? I won’t be so fortunate
The world insists - evidently – that it must interject itself where it’s not needed or wanted. Maybe i could accept the intervention of he wold if i was doing something that caused harm or damage to others … of course i’m sure we all cause harm or damage inadvertently or indirectly somewhere along the line – you know, if you eat meat (which I do) then you are supporting the industrialized wholesale slaughter and ill treatment of millions of farm animals.
humans chop down forests as fast or faster than they can grow and be replaced – we wipe out species after species in the name of progress – to create industrialized farms that dump tons of ******** into the soil to grow crops – but that ******** runs off into the rivers causing the oxygen levels in the water to plummet and it chokes out all life in rivers and streams
we all contribute to our collective self suicide in the name of progress and greed and entertainment – but as long as certain leadership (cough … republicans) keep laughing off serious self destructive behaviors that contribute to global warming/climate change – those same people claim to not want to leave a debt to their kids (a debt they created) which is a fine and noble goal but in the process they will like the world a toxic wasteland after they’ve finished raping the earth to satiate their greed – i guess as long as they themselves don’t need to clean it up then all is well
anyway – my whole point here has nothing to do really with politics and saving the environment and all … no. it’s just that they rail on about freedoms and everything but they fell this absolute need to interject themselves into my life … i mean come on … who am i? just a middle aged guy who’s been beat down and sucked dry of any and all health, wealth and happiness … and if you read my previous posts (click the author name link to see a list of posts) you have some idea of how i barely scrape to get by.
All i want to do is be left alone to get by and take care of dogs – is that not something nice to do for the world? save a few dogs? give them a little hope? i guess not – the government/courts seem to think I’ve bee secretly stashing money way in my bank account so the froze it – along with the money for my light bill – yes of course! get the rotten bastard! no license, no identity and now no electricity (well – soon anyway)
dear government/Courts, what will it take to convince you I don’t have a hidden stash of $30,000?!? trust me mr. G-Man – i don’t WANT to live under a bridge but for some reason you think i’m just Soooo defiant that i’d rather live under a bridge than pay you the money! really?!?
if i had it i’d pay it you fucking morons. In stead here’s how this plays out … you keep coming after me, and take every last shred of dignity i have left – and i fire up my helium rig and poof – GONE! That’s where this ends – and the you fucktards can dig through the scraps and boxes of threatening late notices and law suits – to find – that i REALLY never had ANYTHING … and since I’ll be dead – you can no longer collect from my future “earnings’ – shear brilliance i telz ya!
the day fast approaches – I’ve said it to more than a few of you – i’m being “Quad-Dingled” – and we all know where that leads – but I won’t go out in brave. defiant fashion as QD did – i’ll just go.
Edit to add link for reference to quad’s plight:Â http://suicideproject.org/2012/05/i-think-it-is-time-to-go/
resigned dawg
you probably shouldnt resign since i’m attached
if only life were so simple … i won’t wish this type of hell on anyone much less let them get dragged into it with me.
sophie’s dawg
have you thought about the island? i think of it every day when i’m about to lose it
Bureaucrats really irk me. It doesn’t matter the level of government, the size of the debt, the rationale for the charges; you could owe a single copper cent and by the time they’re done with the collection fees, late fees, administrative fees, reinstatement fees, state taxes, federal taxes, and the bribe you have to slip to the dude in the wig, you owe like $800,000.
Yeah, I’m being hyperbolic, but that that sounds damn frustrating. Are there no other legal recourses you can take?
Dawg, That’s all they know how to do. Kick you when you’re up, until you fall down and then keep kicking the shit out of you while your down….until you end up defeated.
@Sophie – what island? i spose any island would be better than where i’m at now – but when you’re under the screws I am – ain’t no way they issue me a passport – i’d have to be smuggled LOL
@ornage and ZA – unfortunately the hyperbole is closer to fact than common sense is – the government machine only knows it’s owed money – and like those machines at the fair that you stick a penny into and turn the crank and it mashes the penny into a little charm … there’s only one way for it to turn and there’s no stopping it … the crank must continue until the function is complete – the coin is mashed into something unrecognizable.
i actually played the legal game with them – now going on over 20 years in some form or fashion – but this latest most recent episode started about 3-4 years ago – and they gave me “temporary relief’ for a couple years but kept dragging it out and always temporary – it should have been permanent based on the law and how it’s written – but always at “judge’s discretion” … anyway – i missed a court date a year or so ago and judge threw the entire case out and rescinded all previous temporary relief orders so the amount i owed quadruped in the span of five minutes – i don’t have the time and/or money to re-litigate – so – ‘victory” to the system in the name of the people … somehow i think if the people were privy to the case and the details, they would be appalled at how their good name is being used.
outlaw dawg
Im with you, Dawg. Ive seen this shit from the topside. If only this current generation knew they severely outnumber the bad guys…
I’m people and it pisses me off. You’ve got an awesome dream, dawg, and it’s ridiculous that they can put you in that position.
Dawg, keep fighting the system until the end. Go to public media outlets, raise some fucking hell, do everything to beat the system, because, fuck the system.
running water never gets stale, so you gotta just keep on flowing! Keep on flowing! ~ Bruce Lee
With Bruce’s advice I see no reason to kill your self, I only see reason to fight them tooth and nail for the rest of your life in hopes that one day you will attain peace and the right to care for those poor dogs.
What could be better than beating the system? I think that feeling alone would be worth fighting/living fore. Good Luck Dwag.
you dont remember our island? SP island?
“if you want to help people, you have to be one yourself first”
This quote, by a social worker who saves child prostitutes, exemplifies what’s wrong with government.
People don’t do the crazy shit government does, only groups of people, in government offices can oppress others like inhuman robots.
OM shanti
I recommend living under a bridge. In an area that doesn’t have winter. Cuz it’s fun. I don’t live under one, but one time when I ran away I was basically living under a bridge for like a week. But I went back home because it was like November and Minnesota is freezing. But I had fun during that week, and shitloads more freedom to. Or you could just move to Canada. Start over. Or I guess somewhere else in Europe/Asia/Africa/wherever the heck you are.
ANYWHOO!!!! Hi!!! Tis me!!! I haven’t been on like most of the summer, and today I randomly read one of my first posts and the comments, and wondered what happened to you. Glad to see you’re still here!!! As in alive!!!! So..yeah! Government is extremely stupid. Over here where I am, I keep thinking that the US government it turning into what they originally wanted to get away from with England. Personally, I’d rather be in England. Cuz they have sweet ass accents and are generally awesome. Plus there’s Dr. Who lol
What’s cool about living under a bridge is that you don’t have to pay taxes, and you can get free heat, electricity, internet and plumbing by going to places like coffee shops and a YMCA/gym. And if you’re totally awesome, you would know how to hunt animals with a combat knife and how to skin/cook them. I feel like I might possibly know too much about these things. Oh well. I can’t say much to help with the issues of the stupid government, seeing as all they ever do is take your money, increase taxes, and basically shit on our faces. Until when do you need to ‘pay’ child support?