Title pretty much says it all. What really is the point? I cant find one and many other people cant find a reason to stay on this piece of dirt we call home. I’m tired of having all this stuff shoved down my throat about and how sacred it is. Pretty much I’m saying fuck it and throwing everything away
I’ve been asking myself that question here alot lately and the only reason I can come up with is I like the abuse! You ever feel like that?
No I do t like abuse but I enjoy the work Im made do.
I think the point of life is giving a meaning to it, or finding it, but it gets tiring since life gives us nothing but pain…
I have asked that question many times in previous posts. That is one question I found that no one can answer…I guess because it’s different for everyone. Depression makes it harder to find. I’ve been told to look and try to find it myself, that I am responsible to make it or find it. Not going to happen. I gave up, like most of us probably have. Other than my kids, which is a long story about my reasons not to use that as an excuse to stay, I can’t find a reson to keep going and to prolong the enevitable.