I am weird. I like taking my laptop outside and browsing the internet from my garden. I have four cats and I can describe their mannerisms and personalities with enough detail to fill a novella. I collect miscellaneous original artwork that I purchase at thrift shops. I am a romantic who can design and implement server platforms, and I know my way around *NIX systems. I like to fiddle with Gentoo Linux. I have a fiddle, and I like to play it. I also like to make tobacco pipes out of wood I collect while wandering in the middle of nowhere. I enjoy basket weaving. I absolutely suck at it, though.
I grow my own tobacco in a little plot in my back yard, and I have built a curing chamber in my room. I am obsessed with orchids and nepenthes plants. People scare the hell out of me.
I am also quite random.
What is the point of this post?
Oh, yeah.
It’s very lonely being weird.
Note: No gerbils or leprechauns were harmed in the writing of this random statement. Several pixie sticks were consumed, however.
Your not weird your wonderful
you have very weird but interesting hobbies aha š
i love gardens, you should post a picture on here
The question that needs to be asked is, were the pixie sticks consumed orally or through the nasal passage?
Also, do you have any blue ones left?
Alas, the blue ones are always the first to go. It might sound strange, but I have several green ones left.
And… I tried insufflating pixie sticks a few years ago. Not an experience I want to repeat… Haha…
If I die, I’ll come back as a squirrel in your garden.