They all think that my mental break downs are for attention. Â Well I’m sorry all I want to do is disappear into the back round, be invisible to everyone. They think that I cut for attention, they think I’m sad and depressed for attention and for people to feel sorry for me. I don’t want people to think that my suicide was for attention. I don’t want people to even remember me. I don’t want to be remembered.
attention me to. Cuttin is bullshit. Just dress Bad. Ok no help
Blagh whatever… I don’t really know what else to say. But I’m depressed and lonely too and I don’t really know what to do with my life. Maybe it’s because I’m a teenager and such or whatever but everything I could or should do in the future just seems so pointless. Maybe I sound really annoying right now, but give it another chance. Death is permanent, and once you’re dead you won’t be able to listen to music or eat or do anything anymore.
What if what you need IS attention. Why is that so fucking bad? Seems everyone around me has someone to hug, talk to or come home to. Why is it wrong to want attn?
Cutting is not a means for attn. It is a byproduct of feeling like shit and not having support. IMO
Maybe if more people PAID others attn this place would not be the vacuous shit hole so many of us swim together, but alone, in.