Hi there. For those who care, i’m a 30 yr old guy from eastern europe with a steady job and a cynistic world view.. and who thinks he’s got nothing to lose. I came here not because i’m depressed (that also happens time to time) but to find people who maybe share this feeling of emptyness.. i dont really care if i die tomorrow or a week from now or even in december, as long as i dont hurt anyone as i go out. I just wanna live as long as i can do what i want. But not more than 50 or 60. People here die in that age anyway 🙂
The average living age is 70, but I don’t even want to live that long. As for being empty… There’s always a way to fill that void. It could be a hobby or music or even love . Not everything is as it seems when you are empty (I call it being numb). Open up to new things. You’ll find something. 🙂
Hey Mitrailleuse, thank you for briefly sharing your story. I also have a cynical view on the world, it tends to depress me even more. I feel as though having such feelings to the world is realistic and thinking more positively about the world just feels fake. I hope you find comfort here, you are among friends.
What is your cynical view of the world? I’m curious to know if it is similar to mine.
It only depresses me when i get into conflict with stupid people or rules and realize that i was not wary eneugh.. otherwise i just laugh at it..
Beleive me, Darling, here many die in that age. Actually i have many hobbies, but none is worth living for. One is mountaneering… that would be the best solution, falling off a cliff. Noone would guess that it was intentional.
My view is: People are stupid and only see their short-term goals. If you want to tell them anything to make their life better, they don’t listen. And the same thing is true on large scale. I may want to help someone not to make the same mistakes as i, but they don’t listen either. So even if i knew the solution, i can not pass it over. And seeing different people making the same mistakes, which they could have avoided, had they listened… THATS what brings me down. Really.
Wow this sounds a little confusing aint it…
Huzzah for cynicism. I’m on your team
And somehow its so relieving to find that i can end it all at any time. Gives me joy and confidence that i lacked before.
And yes, my favourite movie is by far God Bless America.
I agree with your view. I feel the same too.
I’ve been cynical my whole life. In many ways, you have to be cynical and question what’s being told to you by others.