I know what it’s like to self-harm. What it’s like to have the feeling of relief after a quick slice. What its like to hold that blade and feel like nothing can stop you. Trust me, I know. Thankfully, after a year and a half, I have overcome that escape. But now, I have three friends who do it. One because she gets yelled at by her mom. One with absolutely no reason to whatsoever. And the other because of a boy.
Im sorry, but there’s no fucking reason to do it if there’s nothing wrong. No reason at all. It angers me so much that you would do it because of nothing, she said that once it was because she was upset because a boy who she liked was mad at her because she was mad at him. why. Why would you do that to yourself because of that.
I just don’t get it. I can’t stand the fact that people do it for no reason at all anymore, most people nowadays do it for the attention, I know that for a fact because they make it quite clear that they have those cuts on them. Most people that do it for relief or for escape, hide them. We don’t advertise them like some girls do these days. We don’t purposely do it because we want people to act like they care. We do it because it helps. I cant stand it anymore. I’m sorry but fuck it, fuck the people who do it because they want attention, fuck you for thinking that it’s not a big deal to pretend because it fucking is a big deal for people who aren’t pretending. I’m just sick of it and I’m sorry if some of this offends people but I don’t get this generation. I feel like I may sound like I’m bashing on those who self-harm  but I’m not because I know what you’re going through.
I just hate what this generation has become.
1 comment
I feel the same way when people openly talk about their “depression.” Not meaning on here because that is what this site is all about, I mean as if it is a casual thing. To me, maybe this is just how I am, but if you are truly depressed you don’t advertise it! You don’t want people to know and look at you as the depressed person. Our generation has certainly become one that craves and feeds off of attention.