I’m done feeling this hurt and pain inside me… October 16, 2012 R.I.P. Tasha Jenay Thomas
I’m done feeling this hurt and pain inside me… October 16, 2012 R.I.P. Tasha Jenay Thomas
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I will join you in two days…..
Im not going to heaven… Im gunna torture the ones who tortured me
Wait. Let’s talk about this. I’m not trying to talk u out of anything I just want to help u clarify your decisions before you make it. Write me at hotmail. Asap
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
BleedOut I’ve new password. dont off your self.
What i do anyway.?
Email me ! Dont go through with it. Please? I dont know you, but i know there’s always another day. mdreams71@gmail.com . if you want. im just saying, dont do it!! :C
please dont try to do anything just sit down and talk to someone you trust talk to one of us or me please ive tried before its not the right thing. things may hurt now but they will get better trust me.