To everyone still complaining about how much attention Amanda Todd is getting: let’s talk about what this is really about.
You’re jealous that in death, she is getting more attention than you in life.
Get over yourselves.
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Honestly I expected a bit more empathy from a suicide website
Who’s Amanda???
@ Clarity search Amanda Todd on google. Her video is on YouTube. It’s really sad and shows the true face of the world we live in. I can’t believe people are still posting hateful things, you should see the comments they write. I lose my temper in a second when it comes to people like that.
Just read the background on the story.
You know, if I read the story correcly — and considering her age based on her birth year — she was quite young. Some of us remember how we were when we were young.
If what I read was true, the price she paid for what could at worse be considered a bit of poor judgement or at best a bit of fun, should not have been blackmail, cyber-bullying, and physical abuse enough to push someone to suicide.
She died like just a week ago. 🙁
She flashed her boobs. Who hasn’t done stupid stuff. It was personal and later she realised the mistake she made. At 15 she’s entitled to make mistakes. She was a good girl and obviously felt a lot of embarrassment. She’s not to blame for anything at all. It’s the perv that is responsible and all the people I’m her life that systematically abused her. They knew what they were doing in accordance with the criminal age of responsibility. There is something inherently in peoples nature, it’s the very reason so many people end up on this site. As far as I’m concerned, she is totally blameless despite what the keyboard warriors say.
tell it to youtube, I think everyone here has been very respectful of the situation
I’m telling it here, because I expect people here to have more understanding. You are one of the people I’m talking about anyway. Maybe you didn’t intend it, but I don’t consider it ‘respectful’ to complain about a dead girl, just because you might have had it tougher.
@beckyj the second of those posts was in no way disdainful; if you took it that way then i’m afraid you’ve misread it. No one on this site has expressed any resentment towards her.
There is no resentment. But there is an insensitivity in minimising Amanda’s situation by implying that others have it worse. At this point I have to reinforce: does minimising the situation help anyone??? The whole point of making a big deal about this situation is to bring awareness to bullying specifically so others don’t have to suffer like she did.
I agree, and i think it is a very important issue that needs to be raised. I hope it does just what you belive it will, that is, help to abate bullying. You can call my cynical if you like but i don’t believe that even 50% of the people who are wearing whatever color on whatever day or making fb pages will continue to even think about bullying after they’ve forgotten about this.
I’m sorry, i know i’m comming off as being abrasive which i really don’t like to be ):, but i don’t like when everyone in the world stops and turns their attention to whatever story the media has decided they can cash in on, only to forget it in a moment.
Right now there are thousands of Amanda Todds out there suffering. I hope that this story will help them, but the focus should be on bullying not Amanda Todd.
Media is not perfect and it true that they selectively chose the stories they report based on which stories have more charisma/appeal. Amanda’s case was saleable in tht she was attractive and empathetic. Sure there’s loads of other bullying victims and yr right 50% of people might just forget all about this when the media stops reporting. But if only ONE person remembers, isn’t that worth it? Isn’t that more constructive than just complaining about a dead girl getting more attention than you?
I for one had my eyes open by this. I’ve never been bullied and I’ve never observed it directly. The thought that it could go to such an extent across 3 schools has had lasting impact on me
Well, i can’t say i’ve ever complained about anyone getting more attention than me, let alone a deceased girl, but yes i do think it’s worth it, rather my only point in all this is that i hope that people will think “Wow, bullying is an awful thing, how can i help to put an end to this?”, and not “Wow, Amanda Todds’ story is the saddest i’ve ever heard and i will dedicate all my time to honoring her memory.”
I’m glad/sorry that you learned about it. Unfortunately there’s no way to ever put a complete end to these sorts of things, but if more people like you can open their eyes to the reality of bullying the issue can be greatly helpes.