I’m sure some of us have thought of running away, and some of us actually did. I think will be honest. I am no exception. I have thought about it many times. Family isn’t family to me. When I’m away from ‘home’, I feel much happier. My friends are truly my family. They don’t know about me being suicidal. My ‘family’ doesn’t either. I just feel like I’m stuck in between. I want to leave because of my life in living hell, but I don’t want my friends to be upset. If I do run away, my friends will know about me being suicidal. I know should tell them, but right now is not the time. I don’t know what to do, and I want some advice about it. Should I stay or leave?
you should definantly stay!!! you will make so many people upset if you go! even though you may not feel happy with your family, they still really really love you. your friends love you too. you seem really nice. if you need somebody to talk to, or even to listen too, send me an email.
if you need somebody to listen, send me an email (not listen too, sorry)
Should You stay or should You go? … If You go there will be trouble and if you stay it will be double… So come on and let me know….
Err… I think you should stick it out a bit longer. As long as your holdouts isn’t abusive then it’s not worth running away. The world can be a lot worse. There’s also the practical considerations, accommodation, food, money and alcohol etc. There’s no use running away if in the end your only going to end up right back where you started. That’s only going to make you worse off
Homelife not holdouts
Running away isn’t going to help anything. You’ll just be found by the police in a few hours/days and returned to your now-livid parents. Stick it out a bit longer; when you’re 18 you won’t have to run away: you could just leave.