Dear Friends gud evening to all of my staff today i.e., 08/10/2012 i want to die becoz i dont want to live in this world there is an small incident happen my girl friend left me before 3 months i loved her very much but she left me as alone ………………………………………………………..
i got very disgusting with this life so i want to die
If your girlfriend left you, there has to be a reason, so find out the reason why, and give her an even better reason to be back with you.
my dear friend i did all types to get back my gf but there is noway wat shold i do then i loved her since 4 years till now she is in my heart unable to forget her
That how girls is…Unless you have money, you’re handsome, or you’re holding a gun, they won’t be with you…Well, at less you have a girlfriend for a few months…